It is customary that the opposition party provides an official response to the president’s annual speech, but Donald Trump’s speech was confronted by three replicas. In addition to Georgia-democrat Stacey Abrams, who stood for the official answer to the Trump, attended Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in a speech with klimataktivister in the beginning of the evening, while Bernie Sanders offered a own replica. Abrams gave a short and factual speech that focused on the sakpolitiska contrasts with Trump.
the Democrats ‘ official response to Donald Trump’s speech was performed by Stacey Abrams, here at an earlier time. Photo: Alyssa Pointer/AP
She criticized him for policies and economic policies that hurt AMERICA’s most vulnerable groups, and accused the republicans of having “rigged the tax system against the working class”. In particular, the attacked she Trumps immigration policy and said that “it is immigrants that make the USA strong, not walls”.
Read more: Unity and division in Trumps speech to the nation
the battle for voting rights in the united states, an issue which can have decidedly successful in Georgia, where Abrams lost by a narrow margin against republican Brian Kemp, after a campaign in which republicans were accused of shutting down polling stations in black areas, and arbitrarily toss out democrats from the electoral roll. It was a speech that could be seen as a premonition of the issues that many democrats will raise in the next presidential election.
Several of the democratic senators who listened to Trump’s speech in the congress candidates in the states and they seemed to also see the evening as a chance to consolidate their opposition to Trump. Kirsten Gillibrand, senator from New York, the spread’s a short video where she grimaserar clearly in misstycke during Trump’s speech, a video of which was then used to get into kampanjdonationer to Gillibrands presidential campaign.
Martin Gelin: A weak president faced with a fragmented opposition