The Usher syndrome is a hereditary disease that cause a severe loss of the hearing and retinitis pigmentosa , an eye disorder that deteriorates the vision with the passage of time. Despite suffering this pathology, Teo Framework has done no more than take advantage of each day to grow, improve and explore new paths that have led to the practice of multiple disciplines with success. “I am a person who plays many clubs, although I don’t play none either”, jokes the manresano.

The process of diagnosis , she explains, has distinct phases. Typically, as happened in your case, type II, first appears the deafness . Small, some symptoms and everyday situations, especially noticeable in the school, indicating that something is not going well. Later would come the problems of vision . “I started to notice when I went out by night, in places with low light,” he recalls. Teo realized that it does not handle like its peers. At first, the doctors blamed to a myopia conventional. Until the specific tests identified the real problem.

I’ve been aware later of the possibility that I become blind”

With time, he began to notice how you reduced your field of view , a problem that has been accented to affect your central vision. “The difficulty of diagnosis is that it costs to take account of the reduction of the visual field”. That, account, leads to insecurity at the time of move. “I have very much affected the field of vision and I also lose central vision”, although there is a degree of blindness exactly calibrated, as it depends on various factors such as light.

in order To keep active their tireless spirit, he explains, he has served a certain ignorance. Find every situation without thinking too much about what is to come. “I was aware later of the possibility that I become blind”, he admits. “I’ve always been more the desire to make things,” he says. From a young age she has practiced a variety of sports such as football , the taekwondo or basketball . Despite the fact that on a stage he had to let go of many things, his mentality has never changed. “The disease causes me to take advantage of the opportunities because you never know tomorrow what will I be able to enjoy”, he argues.

The ski, another of his passions Teo (Framework)

After you begin to notice difficulties in the development of the game in some disciplines, it was focusing on gym workouts. Practice aerobics and step was the first contact with the world of the choreography and dance in your particular path to go adapting your body to the new conditions. “It was a challenge for me,” she recalls about the first classes. Through the choreography and body movement to connect with the environment. He worked his ear by the rhythm and the music, perfecting each gesture, his coordination and balance, despite the progression of the disease.

After that was granted the disability , decided to focus much more on your training as a dancer . Even if you do it at an amateur level, has risen to the stage several times to showcase his talent. “It is one thing to move and another is to make dance,” she says between laughs. Teo has gone beyond the artistic side of the discipline. “Dance takes me to maximize my abilities,” he says. Working with Ramon Oller you have learned to master your body and apply other key specific to your circumstances. “Dance has allowed me to make a better rehabilitation,” he summarizes.

The role of dance in your life and the disease

Their willingness to continue to grow and find new incentives outside of the classroom led him to try other disciplines and participate in various tests. Crossfit, running, surfing, skiing … No activity seems impossible. “Dance has given me a knowledge of my body that allows me to carry it to other disciplines,” he says. “To return to practice these sports has made me regain the feeling of freedom and remember all that was lost”, reencontrándose so himself. In addition, he asserts, to do this many times a guide has multiplied all those feelings, now shared.

Thanks to a willpower enviable has completed two marathon , mountain running , and has fulfilled the dream of finishing four editions of the Spartan Race , the one test that I saw from the outside, imagining as a participant one day. Be deaf-blind has not limited your ability to overcome. Of fight every day. “I don’t know if tomorrow I will have the opportunity, so I jumped in. I don’t know if when you lose the vision entirely will I be able to do it again. That uncertainty makes me seize the day-to-day”, not wanting to think about the future.

Teo Framework, crossing the goal with their peers and guide Teo (Framework)

“sometimes, until we find ourselves in these situations, we do not know ourselves,” he reflects. an Affiliate of the ELEVEN since 2012, this manresano 38-year-old does not waste time imagining how his life would be being a seer, but that takes every day to add experiences that will enrich, both to him and to a group that expects to be able to help soon. “We need an environment proactive approach that believes in our capabilities beyond what we have been losing in the way,” cavila about the possibility of creating a group of dancers to blind people.

Teo is adapted to every change with no excuses. “No I’m going to reduce my field of action by the fact of having to carry the cane or ask for a guide dog”, he offers as example the expectation of receiving one. The tattoo on his back, with three dancers and a phrase of the dancer and choreographer Martha Graham , sums up its spirit: “no one cares if you dance well. Get up and dance. The great dancers are great for their passion.” And passion, to Teo, no one wins.