the I would have never imagined to write the electoral law? Us 5stars, we would not have imagined even entering in the institutions, but now we are there, we do our best. I have studied pedagogy, since I’m the president of the Affairs committee on constitutional I in-depth all the issues we care about. The electoral matters I studied a lot”. Joseph Brescia is the author of the proposal of the electoral law that should replace the current Rosatellum, trying to put of agreement the majority of yellow-red and a piece of the opposition. “It is not a rabbit pulled out of the hat, but the result of weeks and weeks of comparison in order to unblock the situation”.

Brescia, would like to see the electoral law to bring his name “Brescellum”?
“I told you, but scherzavo. No matter the name: roman German pontificals, Brescellum … the important thing is that for once you meet all of the criteria. That is not to be declared unconstitutional after being fired”.

is proud of “his” law?
“I am proud of the path done, of the times. It is not a law on the wave of the emergence of the end of the parliamentary term, when you trigger the interests of a party in respect of the polls of the moment. The proportional then it is one of the historic battles of the Movement 5 stars”.

Calderoli insulted heavily for this proposal.
“Each is defined only on the basis of his style. I observe, however, that the League, when we convened the opposition groups, for their opinion, just a rumor, Calderoli said that any system was good as long as you had gone to vote as soon as possible. It seems to me that from the opposition no one has raised the issue of giving Italy simply an electoral law good. We talk about the plan of the credit.”

But don’t think that it will create too much political fragmentation?
“No, because it tries to overcome a high threshold at the national level, the 5% . To ensure representation in addition, there will be the right forum for the forces that reach the quotient a tot number of regions: they are technical things which are discussed”.

technical Things, she says. His proposal is not quite a Oscurellum, as they say, already have some?
“The electoral matters is very technical. In these weeks we made seven simulations on the allocation of seats, with the most disparate. Hard to even explain. Unless you say that whoever takes a vow in more rules: but they are only slogans”.

refers to Brothers and sisters of Italy?
“Brothers of Italy, but also the League”.

Leu opposes the Brescellum, but is divided among those who are strongly opposed, as members of parliament coming from the Italian Left and those that refer to Article 1 are more favourable. According to her, there is a political reason?
“I don’t know, I don’t want to speak for them. But the law of the forum might help overcome the friction.”

The check out is not want to the right of the grandstand.
“Will be the parliamentary debate to decide the details of the law.”

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