“Regionalize”. Like a mantra, Valérie Pécresse, has hammered home its message to the address of the government. In the Face of the social and economic crisis, in the face of insecurity, health, urban planning… A simple solution, according to it, are : delegate ever more competences to the regions. Invited the “Grand Jury RTL-LCI-Le Figaro”, the president of the region Ile-de-France has called for a “great movement of decentralization”. “It is still waiting for this government for three years”, she down as the president of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, is preparing a new step of decentralisation.

see also : mistrust dominates between Macron and the presidents of the region

In this capacity, Jacqueline Gourault, the minister responsible for local government must restart the consultation suspended on the bill so-called 3D (decentralization, differentiation, deconcentration). Not enough, according to Valérie Pécresse, for which the regions have shown during the crisis of the Covid-19 that they were more “agile” than the State, especially when it came to placing orders for masks. The couple prefect mayor has also proved of great efficacy in the management of crisis, when the health administration is bogged down. To such a point that “the government has listened to our request to regionalise the déconfinement”, she believes that to know. Proof is, Matignon has piloted a déconfinement differentiated according to departments.

300 000 unemployed people over in the Île-de-France

To the head of a regional executive, powerful, Valérie Pécresse has called for a “method” clear decentralization, and broader skills on “employment”. And the former deputy of the Yvelines department, to sound the alarm : there will be a “300,000 unemployed more in the Île-de-France by the end of the year.” The crisis of the Covid-19 is “a tsunami that washes away everything in its path”, and results for the Ile-de-France, a debt of “1 billion euro”, because of the loss of revenue and increased spending.

see also – Valérie Pécresse provides “for the 300,000 unemployed people over in the Île-de-France by the end of the year”