Much has changed, little or nothing in the government’s yellow-red compared to the previous 5-Star-League? The provocation came from Giuliano Pisapia, the former mayor of Milan, member of the european parliament elected as an independent in the lists of the Pd, which he denounced in an interview with the Republic, “the destruction of the reform Bonafede, with the stop at the prescription,” and has shaken the Dem, because they wake up from the subordination to the grillini and impose a real discontinuity in the action of the government.

Pisapia the launch of “j’accuse” and welcome to Nazareth, the home dem, is frost. Especially the Democrats react resentful: “Pisapia critical? But the government is not a one-Pd… and maybe there is a memory gap”. The leader of the left spurs because review the decrees, yet, you put a hand to inequalities and justice. Remember that you spoke of the repeal of the decrees, yet, and instead did nothing. Replication the deputy minister of the Interior, the dem Matteo Mauri: “We are preparing a revision, consisting of the decrees of Salvini. The minister Lamorgese has already taken the commitment to intervene”. And Mauri the Pd has entrusted the task of putting it in black and white the proposal that will be discussed in the conclave dem of the 13 and 14 January in the Abbey of Contigliano in rieti for a new agenda of the government.

“The comment Pisapia, it seems to me unfair: no one would ever bet on the possibility of a budget law blocked by 23 billion in order not to increase the Vat,” notes Francesca Puglisi, under secretary of Labour and social policies. There is no discontinuity? “The step change there is, indeed: first with joan barreda is preached to the flat tax that steals from the poor to give to the rich, while now we cut taxes on the job for a paycheck is more substantial, we cut down the fees of the kindergartens. We will do more and rilanceremo”. And also Matteo Ricci, mayor of Pesaro, the former head of local authorities of the Pd lists the things that are made, and adds: “Pisapia is certainly a person to listen to, he has ruled Milan, represents a piece of the left, but its position in relation to government red-yellow is exaggerated”. In the meantime, there is the rock of the prescription that will be addressed in the summit, majority of Thursday. Walter Verini, that the Pd will participate in the meeting, explains: “we do Not ask Bonafede, abnegations, nor endure the diktat. The government must learn to be a coalition, not a meeting of acronyms”.

the tension in The executive is strong on the stop the prescription not only between Pd and 5 stars, but also with the check out. The irony of Ettore Rosato: “Pisapia I share it, I would say that we can subscribe to Italy Alive…it was a serious mistake not to stop in the Milleproroghe reform Salvini-Bonafede. Now just leave things to the hold-ups of someone.” The check out is say they are ready to vote for the proposal of the law on the prescription of the forzista Enrico Costa if the coalition government do not find an agreement for change the reform Bonafede. And the indignation of the Governments on the effects of the measure desired by the grillini is the same as that of Carlo Calenda, mep former dem, now a leader of Action: “The Pd with this attitude, spring is the rule of law and the progressive party becomes the populist party”. Calenda this morning with Emma Bonino, Benedetto Della Vedova, Stefano Parisi will manifest in front of Montecitorio against the block of the prescription in force.

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