Some options are just indescribably difficult to take, no matter how sure you are of what you will choose. But for us this was the right choice.

Emma Larikka. Photo: Anita Meling Show more

To be greeted with the information that we are carrying a fetus with a rare and very serious genetic, it was disheartening for us. One has the time to be happy in the small gullklumpen in the stomach.

Weeks in the berg-and-dal-bane, small highs, many lows, that ended with these hard, cold facts about that sprout, our security would end with the health professional describes as a “severe to profound mental retardation”, but “viable”.

You can’t always “calculate” predictive forward to a response. Therefore, the personal aborthistoriene important Comment

There are no signs of heart disease or organsvikt that will result in a sure death. But to never be able to talk, sit up, go to the bathroom or recognize the people you love.

To live with the daily occurrences of epilepsy seizures, pain, autism and probably many more challenges and diagnoses, it is too early to ask. So the question remains: What is really “a life”? There is only ONE thing that’s for sure: that this issue should not be up to someone else to answer than me and Patrick – no one other than those who will live with the consequences and strain the final choice will bring with it.

It should also be mentioned the condition is not hereditary and not miljøpåvirkelig. It is, in other words nothing we could have done different or taken into consideration. It is important for me that you who are reading this realize that it can happen to anyone completely random – no matter what your age, genes, income, and other. For it is now in 2019 – after the fall the heat of debate – our rights really are at stake!

Professor Ole Erik Iversen at the University of Bergen has estimated the face of the newspaper Aftenposten that with a strict definition of what is a so-called viable fetus, 80-90 per cent of the abortene which today granted under paragraph 2 c, be prohibited. Kjell Britain Ropstad started the new year with to make it abundantly clear that this change was one of the most important issues to achieve in the negotiations.

But it is also another reason that I write this post and “share with the whole world”. Since high school I have been in the train at 8. march, on Pride, and on several other occasions when there has been a need for it. Stood up and gone for those that don’t can/will/dare to go.

Saturday 17. november, it was “my” trip. I sat at home in the heavy, deep thoughts. We had received information from the Stavanger university Hospital that something could be wrong, and that we should begin to prepare ourselves for the worst. On Monday morning I would travel to St. Olav’s hospital in Trondheim, on my life’s greatest trial by a survey.

Meningsutvekslingene in the media jumped over the head of me. Many thought the fetal right to life was hanging higher than my right to decide over their own bodies, Patrick and my right to decide over their own future and what you as a parent think is best for one’s own upcoming children. It stuck.

I am one of the 60 in the statistics, the Debate

But then the images from the abortdemonstrasjonen met me the Saturday afternoon, I felt a tremendous support. Thousands of people lined up in 33 cities in Norway! I felt I was 70 percent of the norwegians in the back. That out there there was someone who went for me, who spoke my voice when I was sat at home without the effort or the emotional ability to involve me in the debate.

THANK you TO YOU AS DEMONSTRATED. Never believe it is of no importance! And not least, thank you to all the good, beautiful people we have around us of friends and family who have supported us throughout this process.

the Day after that we got the final, disheartening responses from the last tests, you stood, Bent High, at the hearing regarding the modification of the “discriminatory clause” I stood at the threshold to use, and pointed out that in a greater degree will put emphasis on “woman’s life”.

I thought, “what the f***?!”. Who is really in the best position to take into account the woman’s circumstances than the woman? And what about me? A healthy 30-year-old married woman in a permanent job with high education, who own their own home, without children, from before. How sick must the fetus, my stomach in the future to be that I should “be allowed” to take it away?

Who are you that think you know better than me about what concerns me and my life? Each woman must decide what is right for her, her life and her children. Trust that we choose the right one. And don’t forget that your politikerkarriere would gone doll if you were forced to carry out a serious dependent children, especially with the pleiepengeordningene and social benefits you are operating with.

In 2018, we celebrated the 40-year anniversary of the Abortloven. At the same time, I totally agree that the law should be able to be discussed, but not on the premise that a small selection hårsåre people feel discriminated against, that kristenkonservative hypocrites are afraid for the future and/or that the power-hungry communist party is desperate.

One must be able to discuss, on the basis that today’s technology opens up new opportunities to acquire knowledge, parents ‘ opportunity to have a greater impact on the lives and velferdssamfunnets opportunity to early facilitate for those who need it most, be it grieving parents, or the child and family with physical and mental challenges.

When we have the technology to predict, prevent or possibly prevent so much suffering, let us who will be allowed to use it. Leave less resourceful groups also have access to and knowledge about early ultrasound, and the ability to take a knowledge-based choice – as is done in the rest of the Nordic region.

It is a paradox that it actually is because of the technological advances we can extended the notion of “viable” (thanks to a number of medications and technological aids), but that we here run the risk of being refused to use other forms of technological advances.

I will also take the this opportunity to thank all the people I have been in contact with both the SUS Stavanger university, St. Olavs university and Haukeland universitetssjukehus in this process. You have met us in a fair and honest manner, without prejudice and without preconceptions. You have approximately you on the humane view, and I have never known of the expectations or the pressure to take one or the other choice.

at the same time, you have been brutally honest and prosaic style of what may meet us, but also informed us that we will receive help, support and guidance on regardless of the choice you fall on. Such a skilled and experienced health care is the best recipe for a good and caring society that protects all its citizens, both the mother, father and children.

So please , do not make our life’s difficult choices more difficult. We are going to have a child too little. But nobody should get us to doubt that it actually is possible to make difficult, but informed choices of pure love.

PS: I have an inherent belief that nothing is so bad that it can’t be good for anything. With this post, I hope more get on with what really is at stake currently, and how much of each individual engagement means in this case, so don’t be afraid to share.

Paragraph 2C should not be touched Leader