Nokia’s share price has been published results downs after soaring in the crash. The share price lost a quarter of the reason you find gloomy prospects for the future, although third quarter results were quite reasonable.

– nokia’s outlook was a huge disappointment. The company cut 2019 prospects, and also in 2020 the prospects were lowered appreciably. In addition to the payment of dividends will be suspended for a few quarter period. Yes this was a huge disappointment to investors, says analyst Mikael Rautanen analysis of the company inderes of.

Ancient according to the investors surprised, above all, that they were very far relied on and trusted Nokia previously to instruct to a significant earnings improvement for the year 2020.

Now, then cut sharply visible, as investors were disappointed appreciably, Rautanen continue.

an additional impetus to the disillusion comes from the fact that network markets are clearly picking up. For example, Nokia’s main competitors which Huaweilla and Ericsson goes moderately well, and Ericsson up to last week lifted its outlook.

– in This context in that report disturbing language nokia the competitiveness of the 5G era.

most Worrying and a clear weakness of the Ancient, is the mobile networks business. Starting the 5G era is gone trick or, and at the same time to the internal and external risk factors are realized.

They hamper this development.

the payment of Dividends on the suspension is not terribly Rautasta worried, because the company’s cash is fluctuating and can recover quickly. On the other hand, weak cash has been disappointing for investors and the area where it is not able to redeem its promises.

“Difficulties may appear on the market pressure of”

the Analyst Mikael Rautanen not outright find the clear errors of Nokia’s dealing with, but overall, he likes the past four-year period for the company difficult.

– a Very difficult four years, the market situation during the market have come so violently down, and at the same time is pulled to the heavy fusion of Alcatel-Lucent with.

on the other Hand now you should be at that point that the market went to cheer up and Nokia would be a blow condition. It now appears that the market will cheer, but Nokia hasn’t had time to really get to the organisation and the product portfolio into top shape.

When to iron back asks, that you may do in front of the countdown to someone, so he answer it from a market perspective.

– Difficulties may appear on the market pressure for the company. Especially when you put it in context, that the market will cheer and the competitors going to moderate a good momentum forward.

despite Everything, Rautanen estimates that Nokia is going towards better.

– the Result of yes will leave this to heal, but at what angle the odds. Nokia itself instructed a significant improvement in 2020, but it now appears that it will have to wait until 2021, and even then it’s not as good as previously expected.

see also: nokia’s stock price plummeted, the value of melt to a fifth of a – share price below four euros

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