The last red-green government’s austerity measures of the right to LSS led to more disabled people got the indented or the reduction of the personal assistance. Political pressure has since then been hard for those with the most difficult disabilities to get back their right.

In the national budget that applies to the 2019 shot the Moderates and the Christian democrats to 350 million, to strengthen LSS-care. In the coming vårändringsbudgeten presented next week the government will allocate a further sek 150 million.

the government earlier this year, to help with breathing and feeding should be a basic need that can give the right to personal assistance. The change of the so-called LSS legislation is a part of the 73-punktsuppgörelsen between the governing parties and the Centre party and the Liberals.

Bengt Eliasson (L). Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

Bengt Eliasson, the member of parliament for the Liberals, who pushed the issue of reinforced LSS in government, estimates that between 50 and 100 people, primarily children, will be affected by the suspension to more money to the LSS. It is, therefore, large sums of money for each dependent individual.

” For our part, this cost is completely reasonable and natural. Not least, the breath is about round the clock supervision. And the opportunity cost is higher. A barnhemsplats costs more, a hospital stay costs more. If you would put the responsibility entirely on the parents so it would be cheaper for society. On the other hand, can’t the parents work then, ” says Bengt Eliasson.

it is the municipalities who bear the financial brunt of the state reduced the reimbursement to LSS. Calculations from the SALAR suggests that we are talking about two billion in increased costs for the municipalities.

The previous government’s reasons for cutbacks in the LSS was that there were cheating and over-exploitation but there is no Bengt Eliasson buying.

” Not even the social Insurance office has been able to demonstrate on something big over-exploitation or cheating. This is a rhetoric to justify the savings, and it has been completely otillständigt.

the Government intends to submit a bill to parliament which addresses the issue of breathing and tube feeding in the spring. The amendments are deemed to come into force on 1 July 2019.

According to the januariavtalet parts of the LSS-law be reviewed in a new assistansutredning during the term of office. According to Bengt Eliasson, it should previously be made changes which mean that the criteria to get personal assistance will be restored to how it looked prior to 2014.

There are many more changes that need to so it will be needed much more, ” he says.

We parents are incredibly worried