Since the ICE had been defeated and driven in flight into the regions around Syria and northern Iraq, the question of what should happen with the children to the ICE warriors become acute. Estimates suggest that there are around 80 Swedish children in the refugee camps in the region. Some of them are there with their parents, others are alone after their parents died in the fighting.

been to Sweden does not have any plans to download free people who participated in fights on the ICE side. But the government has gradually changed the information on how Sweden should deal with the so-called ICE-children.

Interior minister Mikael Damberg has said on several occasions that Sweden had not had the chance to get home for the kids.

The Swedish government, or the state Department can’t operate in the area, it is not safe. The family has a responsibility for their children. If you are worried, you can take the children to safety, ” he said in the SVT in February.

on Friday, announced the minister for foreign affairs Margot Wallström (S) to the children ”if possible” should be brought to Sweden.

”Each case must be handled individually. The children are in different situations, some may be orphans, others with parents arrested for acts they committed for the ICE. To identify the swedes, who can be born on the spot, is difficult. In the main camp are about the 76,000 people. We are in contact with the international red cross who are in the camps,” she writes on Facebook and continues:

”It is of the utmost importance that the children’s situation is handled legally secure and with the children’s best in focus. International actors, the Swedish government and the Swedish municipalities can be recipients of the children, must work together.”

the Government for talks with the other nordic countries to find a solution to the situation.

”the Situation in the camps is difficult and therefore it is very important that the humanitarian efforts are intensified, so that food and medicines to reach. The government has been in close contact with the other nordic countries so that we will act jointly and in a similar way,” writes Margot Wallström.

the primary responsibility of the government to manage the situation with the ICE-the children but also other ministers are involved. Thursday had Wallström a meeting with interior minister Mikael Damberg (S), minister of justice Morgan Johansson (S) and gender equality Åsa Lindhagens (MP) staff to discuss the issue. According to the data driver MP on order for Sweden to take home the kids.

When the DN met with the Green party’s spokesperson as well as climate and environment minister Isabella Lövin, on Friday commented on her question.

” It’s terrible conditions for the children. Thousands of children are in these circumstances right now and Sweden are doing what we can to help the children on the spot. When it comes to those who have a Swedish connection, we need to see how we can help them, if it is possible that they will get to come to Sweden.

Children have no guilt for their parents ‘ actions. We have barnrättskonventionen to relate to. Children need to be protected, they are by definition innocent in all of this. Therefore, we need to do what we can to help them.

– We agree that we need to do what we can to help those children who have a Swedish connection. But we in the government look more closely at this issue right now.

to Sweden have a responsibility with the crc, to bring home the children. In an open letter to prime minister Stefan Löfven writing Save the Children:

”the Government has repeatedly declared that it is not possible to do something, found a pretext for not acting, and avoided to take responsibility”.

– It is something that government is looking at now. It is not my responsibility but you need to look at how it in a legal way is possible to help the children who you can take home to Sweden.

Read more: Save the Children directs harsh criticism against the government to disappoint the ICE-children