in tallinn in the spring to form the Estonian government’s half-year journey has been tumultuous. Friction within the government have given birth to a particularly right-wing populist Estonian conservative people’s party, i.e. Ekre.

Ekre is also the latest, the last day of the escalation of political conflict in the background.

Ekre-party representative rural minister Mart Lake is suspected of lying, which is why the opposition is now demanding the minister resign.

lie to suspects related to two separate cases.

in the first case, the Lake is suspected of holding out to have their knowledge of Estonia found dangerous listeria bacteria.

in October found out that listeria bacteria mutated and aggressive form of spreading estonia’s largest fish producer, M. V. Woolin fish processing factory in Tallinn near. In estonia, nine people have received a listeria infection and two of them are dead.

M. V. Woolin mill is closed indefinitely, and the authorities are currently revising the country’s other fish processing establishments.

the rural minister Järvik claimed, I didn’t know the listeria bacteria doubt before August. In light of new evidence it seems, however, that Järvik discussion listeria doubt the food agency with the email already in June.

recommend you Järvik counselors?

Another lie about doubt associated with the possibility of a conflict of interest regarding Lake legal advisers.

Järvik hired a lawyer Urmas Arumäen counselors in may. Arumäe working at the time as a defense attorney in a broad in the lawsuit, which relates to the EU’s agricultural aid abuses.

in the Case of Estonia agriculture ministry of agriculture agency PRIA trying to recover money from multiple the support of the misuse of reason quarters.

when he Started work on the minister’s advisor Arumäen should have been according to the agreement, withdraw from the lawsuit.

the Evidence suggests that advisers keep their clients for the defense still to act as a consultant in.

He, therefore, at the same time, as well as defend the abusers that give advice to the ministry, which is to inherit his money to the wrong users.

the rural minister Mart Lake suspected to know the counselors guilty of blatant conflict of interest and refused to consciously doing anything about it.

the Incident has started a criminal investigation, the aim of which is to determine, prevent you Järvik PRIA:a from doing the work recommended the same counselors.

the Opposition demanded the minister’s resignation

in Opposition, the reform party and social democratic party are now calling for a rural minister to resign from office.

Estonian reform party leader Kaja Kallas. Valda Kalniņa / EPA

There has emerged a serious suspicion that the minister has acted as adviser to his clients interests, lied repeatedly to the public and to coerce independent officials, reform party leader Kaja Kallas said the Estonian radio ERR:no interview on Monday (you move to another service).

the Opposition is currently collecting names for our petition, which proposes censure of the rural minister.

Kallas hope signatures also within the government.

– I Hope that we get the support of those members of the government, who defend the rule of law and resist corruption, Kallas said.

Ekren lead to dispute you suspect

Ekre-the party’s leadership has denied all the Lake related to lie to you suspect. Ekren vice-president, finance minister Martin Helme announced on Monday, that if the rural minister is forced to resign from office, Ekre not continue on the board (you move to another service).

If that happens, the government of Estonia crashes.

Prime minister mr Jüri Ratas returned Monday from a business trip in the united states and organized the first work meeting of the rural minister.

on Monday evening after a meeting Mart Järvik stated to the press laconically: ”I’m a minister” refusing to answer questions.

after This, the Gear gives a short interview where told that Järvik continued so far as a minister.

Päämisteri announced, however, become familiar with her over the next few days in more detail the Lake against the evidence contained in and discuss the case within the government.

Mart Järvik refused to answer reporters ‘ questions Monday.Mihkel Maripuu / AOPTutkija: the board decomposition can be close to

Tallinn university, working policy research mr tõnis Saarts said on Monday the Estonian radio Ringvaade-time face of the program in an interview don’t be surprised if the country’s government would fall soon.

– mr Jüri Ratas, Ekre and Mart Järvik test each other’s limits in this scandal. One of the more aggravating information add can means that the government’s days are numbered, Saarts said.

Saarts has previously stated that the government formed by three parties, the Centre party, the father of the country and Ekren, have all have different goals, which may undermine the government’s stability.

according to Him, the risk factor is the fact that all Ekren ministers are the work of inexperienced.

Ekre stretch board borders – again

the right-wing populist Ekre-pouolue has stretched the prime minister Jüri Rataksen and the Estonian government boundaries before.

as Soon as the formation of the government after the spring one Ekre-party ministers, Marti Kuusik, resigned after receiving the prosecution of family violence.

in August Ekren and Rataksen formed between the crisis (move to another service), while Ekre requires police director general Elmar Vaherin difference. The prime minister settled down along with the rest with the government to support the dispute vaheri to.

prime minister of Estonia mr Jüri Ratas.Valda Kalniņa / EPA-EFE

in October Ekren former information technology and foreign trade minister of Kert Kingo resigned when it became clear he lied to the assistant appointment related.

Along the reign of the conflicts are caused also Ekren director, minister of internal affairs Mart Pearl provocative speeches.

so far, the prime minister Rataksen mediation skills are sufficient to keep the government together.

Edited at 21:00: Specifying PRIA-court case-related information.

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