“The defendant seems to have a habit to aim for the people,” said attorney Johan Landén, who is joggarens plaintiff’s counsel, when the trial will start in the Helsingborg district court.

The 76-year-old jogger he describes as a peaceful man who lives out in the forest outside Klippan in Skåne, and has a great interest in running, including marathons.

A beckmörk novembermorgon at a quarter of four he gave out on the löparrunda. Half an hour later, he was shot on the 176 meter.

prosecutors Ola Lavie several times in the film that was recorded from the skottögonblicket with the help of the hunter värmesikte. The accused crying and snyftar high, also when the prosecutor outlines the damage that the jogger got.

They were not life-threatening, but could be, argues the prosecutor, claiming that it was not coincidence that the shot took where it did.

– the Shot hit more or less exactly where he wants it to hit, ” says prosecutor Ola Lavie.

at the how to hunter reacted after the shot. Movies from when he shot the deer shows that he tends to stay there and then go to the downed animal. When he shot the jogger, he went immediately from there, show the film.

He was then away and was found only with the help of a large polisuppbåd several hours later. In the first interrogation he said that he thought he shot a fox. Later he has changed his mind and claimed that he thought it was a deer.

the Prosecutor Ola Lavie demands that the hunter shall be sentenced for attempted murder or very serious assaults, or alternatively, causing bodily injury, felony. The accused admits the facts, but recognizes no other crime than that he caused bodily injury.

” He has not tried to kill or harm the plaintiff, says his defence lawyer J Andrés Concha.

during the afternoon to develop their version of the event.

Joggarens counsel urges 133.602 kronor in damages.

– It is the worst he has seen in his entire life. He has had a lot of pain and visited the medical care on 24 occasions and this is not the rehabilitation included, ” says Johan Landén.

the Jogger has also suffered mentally.

” It has happened in his home environment. He has a hard time sleeping. He has been very bad.

Read more: 75-year-old bullet injury during a jog.