Pending verification of government announced by the premier Giuseppe Conte for the first few weeks of the new year just getting started, the themes of the clash between the forces of the majority are numerous. The income of citizenship to an altitude of 100, from justice to civil rights to the line of the allies of the executive, the yellow & green is not unique. In short, checking for a return to the executive not in front of a road that is all downhill. Meanwhile, the year opens with a Council of ministers who will have to solve the last part of 2019, that the resignation of Lorenzo Fioramonti, from the ministry of Education. Mattarella – waiting for a Cdm that defines the writer-director in two ministries – has entrusted the interim to the Count, who, in the past few days, had already proposed the release of two departments, one school and one at the university, stating as holders, respectively, Lucy Jay and Gaetano Manfredi.

We tried as well to examine one by one the individual themes, by reconstructing the positions of the various political forces. the citizen’s Income The workhorse of the M5s is strenuously defended by the leader cinquestelle Luigi Di Maio. A clear condemnation of Italy Alive, whose leader Matteo Renzi proposes the abolition of dry. Softer the line of the Pd, which is in favour of a revision of the measure for the purpose of correcting the distortions. On December 30, Palazzo Chigi has made it clear that any changes of the size for the moment, are not on the agenda. In particular, the Count, according to which everything can be improved, do not think to delete the income, as defined by the premier “a measure of social justice”.
100 , The M5s has insisted recently on the blog of the Stars that this measure “do not touch”. For months Italy Alive, expressed his opposition to the measure, and in Pd is growing discontent: “Portion 100 and a citizen’s income – remember the leader of the dem in the Senate, Andrea Marcucci – are a legacy of the government with Salvini. The first measure is particularly unfair to the young people, it will expire anyway in 2021, but it is time to assess”. Leu, in the Parliament abstained from voting to leave the vote for both measures, is in favour of a review especially in order to strengthen the support to the poorest sections of the population.
Justice Today enters into force the reform of prescription contained within the law Spazzacorrotti, commissioned by the minister of justice M5s Alfonso Bonafede. But the M5s, Pd and Iv travel on tracks far away, making the node of the prescription, one of the thorns in the most insidious of the government, Count II. The Pd has submitted the 27 December a law proposal an alternative that proposes to suspend it for three years and 6 months. While Italy viva says it is ready to vote on the proposed law of the blue of the Enrico Costa. An invitation to find a position that is “balanced” comes from the leader of the Leu-the Italian Left, Nicola Fratoianni , which asks everyone “to get around a table to build a joint solution”. On the 7th of January is expected a summit of government on the theme justice.
Security Count doesn’t deny the decrees of the safety of his first government, but, at the same time, at the press conference for the end of the year announced, “must be adjusted to the conditions, which I think is unacceptable”. And the duel with Salvini heats up already in January on the case Gregoretti. “My involvement? I am checking, so far I have not hit”, is the warning from the premier to his former deputy. The minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese has confirmed that “the decrees, yet there was certainly an intervention by the head of the State (October 4, 2018, ndr), then we certainly in the first instance, we will make the changes to make it conform to the observations which had come from the Quirinale”. And a schema modification has already been developed by the interior ministry, which provides, among other things, the abolition of the maxi fines to the ships with the humanitarian.
Revoke the concession motorways The line Count seems to converge with that Of Maio: no discount for Highways, said the premier in waiting for the end of the investigation. But the clash with the Iv is at the door. “Things need to be done well, otherwise Italy will lose credibility: we must avoid becoming a joke because nobody invests in a Country in which you change the rules in the race. And then we have to worry about to protect the workers of the Motorways, and to ensure the investments”, warns Maria Elena Woods. The Pd, instead, is in a position wait and see, perhaps also because, at least from the chronological point of view, the dossier Highways crosses with that of prescription, where the Dem as we have seen, are in the trenches.
industrial Crisis After the second visit, the day of Christmas eve, to the establishment of the Former Ilva of Taranto, in the first half of January, the Count will try to give an acceleration to the dossier Ilva launching at the same time, the decree “Shipyard of Taranto” that, in the strategy of the government, is part of the solution of the relaunch of the plant. the End of life On the end of life, the M5S does not have an official position, proving that this topic is controversial even within the Movement. Both the Senate Chamber, there are proposals submitted by members 5S which are favourable to euthanasia, Luigi Di Maio did not express. After the judgment of the council did, however, Giuseppe Conte, that “from a legal perspective and as a catholic,” he invited the Parliament to legislate. Even within Pd there are different positions. The Senate is a bill, presented by the parent company Marcucci together with 24 others on the dem that distinguishes incitement from the facility to suicide, and extends the possibility of having the palliation continues the deep even to those who have a terminal illness. Objective: “to Fill the legal vacuum reported by the council”. But after the last pronouncement of the Court, seven senators of the Pd, Leu, M5s, Mixed, and Italy, Living have been deposited in a new ddl, which recognizes “a patient with pathology-irreversible” (i.e. “the source of suffering physical or psychological intolerable”), and “able to take free decisions,” the right to pharmacological induction of the death. the Ius culturae On the Italian citizenship to the children of immigrants Maio brake, the premier Count led to the search of a point of fall of the common. The M5S will also present a draft law that has not yet been established. The Pd is willing to settle for a citizenship that is not equivalent just to the ius soli, just to be done, and quickly. Those of you who are in the party, is on the highest positions the net as Orfini or Laura Boldrini, passed to the Pd and the first signatory of the text from which it starts, which included the ius soli tempered, they are ready to mediate. Renzi calls on not to create unnecessary catchphrases: “If there are numbers, and Maio there are, do the Ius culturae otherwise just picking the act. But not turning it into a catchphrase, as was done by the government in 2017, with a tragic mistake”.

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