in the Post, seething. Support the strike spread. Game are the employment and economic growth. Since the federal round leaves properly mobilized? What area are taken together next? Situation affect the pedal in place.

Should of both employees and employers ‘ central organisations to intervene somehow mutually confusing affecting the labour market situation?

President of Jarkko Eloranta , the Finnish trade union central organisation, SAK:

Well probably not be in any stage. EK:of course this centralised agreement is out of the toolbox. We do have a standby that, if only in some way be able to help and find common solutions, so without more is being done. At the moment I don’t see any conditions.

president and Ceo Jyri Häkämies , the confederation of Finnish industries, EK:

– I Stress that this is clearly a federal round. The key to the solution of each branch, and I trust that the covenants on both sides have the wisdom to find employment for good solutions. The central organizations do not this situation applied.

In the autumn the labour market opinion seems to be generally?

SAK’s Jarkko Eloranta keep the employer extracts hard as a Postal case. Markku Pitkänen / Yle

Jarkko Eloranta:

Yes, this, of course, difficult to show. The round is only in its infancy, and already we have a situation where there is a variety of collective action on top. There does not seem to go forward very quickly and smoothly. I hope to still fast to the head opening.

Jyri Häkämies:

– Always the social round is not without its challenges, whether it is centralized or federal round. Recall, however, that the previous federal round was improved by the Finnish employment and support economic growth. It is good to apply the model.

whether the negotiations in some areas thoroughly stuck?

Jarkko Eloranta:

of Course the Mail situation is quite specific, and the employer’s action is hard. In the technology industry, the chemical industry and the forest industry are in a different situation, but even the progress is not very fast. The others are waiting in the technology industry for the solution. Kiky-hour you know was a difficult place to be.

Jyri Häkämies:

Information about the economy and employment next year are pretty worrying. Economic growth and employment development are gelling. Now attention is focused on export to open the ie, the technology industry and industry association negotiations. That is what kept this round as an anchor.

collective shopping difficult to get under control – SAK: “Industrial action, and negotiations are the only way”

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