the Lawyer behind the Frederiksberg Boligfonds the sale of three properties to the foreign private equity firm Blackstone is now being accused of dual role.

board member Henrik Oehlenschlæger stopped in the fund 1. June 2018, immediately before the sale of the properties to Blackstone went on.

Subsequently, he was hired by the fund as advisor in the sale.

It appears by the contract of sale between Frederiksberg Boligfond and Blackstone.

It takes Jan Hansen, director of Andelsboligernes Fællesrepræsentation (ABF), giving rise to talk about an inappropriate dual role.

– It is clear, that if he have been some decisions of the board about the sale, and he then subsequently receive economic benefits as a lawyer, then one can ask himself whether he has acted loyally as a board member, says Jan Hansen to Ekstra Bladet.

Jan Hansen will first assess the case further before he will complain against the lawyer by the disciplinary board.

Henrik Oehlenschlæger was in a short period of time from 2013, the chairman of Frederiksberg Boligfond. He was re-elected to the board in 2017, and stopped, thus two years before his directorship expired.

Udskældt private equity fund

The u.s. private equity fund Blackstone has several times been accused for having used tax havens.

Blackstone has acquired a large number of properties in Copenhagen.

According to the Berlingskes mapping is the number more than 140 properties, and the value of the portfolio is believed to be close to ten billion. crowns.

Blackstone is working with the Danish firm 360 North – where Nils Jansson, who was known as speedy during the financial crisis, is investeringsdirektør in, and as his minor daughters of the owner.

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Also in the three properties, Peter Bangs House, Svalegården and The south Jutland Town, studser the residents of personsammenfaldet.

Beboerformanden, Søren Berg, seems, it works ’toxic’, that the fund hires their former board member and not an independent lawyer from the outside.

– I am surprised that a member of the supervisory board, who sat in the board of directors, as a lawyer, all of a sudden had to be employed to advise in the sale. This, I think, is bad advokatskik, for he had the insight of the fund’s ordinary work, and so he can not be impartial, says Søren Berg.

the Case provides a picture of a indspist municipality, believes the director of the Tenants ‘ Landsorganisation in the Capital Claus Højte.

– It turns out again and again in Frederiksberg, if you want to have a home or a job, then you should be conservative. Now employ the fund as a lawyer from the board of directors to advise them in the sale. It gets almost not more indspist and underhand, he says.

He points out that the chairman of Frederiksberg Boligfond, Flemming Brank, while sitting in the local council for the conservatives.

– the President of the fund do not believe that it is a problem that Blackstone is buying the property. It shows a very clear political attitude in the fund, he says.

Henrik Oehlenschlæger rejects a kasketforvirring, but have no further comments to Ekstra Bladet. To EjendomsWatch he writes, that there should not be anything underhand in that he was hired in as a counselor.

‘When I stepped out of the board before my period, hang it together with, I am already in 2017 after six years in the board of directors had a desire to withdraw, but I complied with a desire to wait, that there was found a replacement, which so was to may 2018’, he writes in the email.

the Extra Leaf has before written about reciprocity in Frederiksberg Boligfond. Back in 2013, it emerged that the Conservative party’s then chairman Lars Barfoed had jumped the waiting list over and got one of the larger apartments available.

It has not been possible to get a comment from Frederiksberg Boligfonds chairman Flemming Brank.

the Sale of the three properties to the much-criticised american private equity fund Blackstone has received great attention.

After that, Frederiksberg approved the sale appeared in a deed from 1932 up. Here it says that the municipality and the tenants have an option to purchase the properties at a sale. In addition, should the price be the same as when the municipality sold the properties, which back then was by 15.8 million – a fraction of the Blackstone, which paid nearly one billion dollars for the 428 apartments.

Frederiksberg Municipality has an agreement with Frederiksberg Boligfond renounced the right of first refusal, against that they got a anvisningsret to 25 percent of the apartments under 80 square meters. In the same context, gave the tenants their right of first refusal.

Frederiksberg’s mayor, Jørgen Glenthøj (K), on Tuesday, in connection with an orientation from two independent lawyers, stated that the municipality and the tenants had not had a right of first refusal to the properties. According to the press release, the municipality has thus not been able to renounce a possible right of first refusal to the tenants, as they have been accused of.

Residents in The southern Jutland Town has, however, intend to continue their planned subpoena of the fund with their own lawyer. It says beboerformanden, Søren Berg.

the Municipality’s statement comes as no surprise to us. We continue our case, since we believe that they have only scratched the surface, he says.

Søren Berg continue to believe that the bearings can win the case on the right of first refusal.