In the election, on 9 september, the Liberals 5.5 per cent of the votes, a marginal rise since the elections of 2014. Now the party’s election assessment team submitted a report on why L have not managed to attract more voters.

the conclusion is that L must be clearer to tell the voters what the party really wants. It comes especially in the questions that are not easily sorted into the right-left scale, such as migration and integration.

become clearer with each party stands in the regeringsfrågan. According to valanalysen lost the Alliance to the selection on the basis of lack of credibility on this issue, and therefore should L in good time before the next elections to tell voters where they stand.

– It happened during the last legislature was that we allianspartier was understood that we had drifted away from each other in certain issues. One such was Anna Kinberg Batras informed about the contacts with The sweden democrats. There we had a different idea, ” says Lina Nordquist.

that was the great strength of the Alliance during this period, some disappeared. The strength was that we were united, and offered a credible alternative.

She does not want to have any idea if L shall endeavour to renovate allianssamarbetet or more positions itself as a clear mittenalternativ. Valanalysen outlines of a development that can mean that american politics is divided into five blocks, with the Centre party and the Liberals placed in the middle. If such a development becomes a reality would the C and the L more permanently end up in a position where they, as well as after the last election, could determine who should get the the government.

– whether you see a allianssamarbete or a mittenblock that control so it will not be like 2010 or 2014. There will be something new what we choose. But we are conservatives and we believe very strongly in a state that doesn’t control over people’s lives unnecessarily. Then it is clear that it is easier to cooperate with some parties than others, ” says Lina Nordquist.