the Man behind the world-renowned ice cream Magnum has passed away at the age of 84 years. It writes the Aarhus Stiftstidene.
Diane Vigh-Larsen has died after a short illness.
He is by many remembered as ‘Mr. Magnum’ because his idea was to launch the popular ice cream in first Denmark and then in 100 other countries.
It is in the year 30 years ago, the first Magnum ice-cream was placed on the market.
Diane Vigh-Larsen grew up in Denmark with a father who was a dairy manager.
He traveled later to Copenhagen to study, and found together with his wife Mette.
Mogens worked completely until he was 75 years old.
Diane Vigh-Larsen is survived by his wife Mette and children Marianne, Majken and Mads, svigerbørnene and grandchildren.