cultural council Veijo baltzar’s the theater community and the teaching methods were ministry of education and culture, at the request already in 2012.

Although the report revealed grievances baltzar’s activities, the ministry does not intervene in any way and baltzar’s support continued.

a statement of the Humanistic university of applied sciences (Huma) of the ministry upon request. Survey for Huma received the ministry of 180 000 euros.

the ministry wanted to find out whether baltzar in developing multi-cultural and experience-based pedagogical retreats with high school education as a base.

ministry of education and culture chief of staff Anita Lehikoinen said that the work done in relation to Humakille granted the funding had not been particularly large.

It was more of a researcher and to present it to the question that whether this approach anywhere, and it was the answer to that is not.

Methods risk fold the matt in your own hands

Anita Lehikoinen stressed Yle Radio 1’s interview that the research was done carefully and on that basis it was decided that the high school side of the not such activities are supported.

the Statement revealed Lehikoisen according to it, that baltzar’s action was, in principle, even good, but also a lot of such, which was a flagrant breach of the polytechnic of ethical principles.

It was also clear that there is a self-taught director and educator. It involves great risks, when wrongly used, for example, psycho-drama methods.

the Report on the basis of the ministry, a decision was made that the project will be terminated.

It was certainly not the ingredients for a high school level education or even continuing education.

Prominent backers brought credibility

Although the report gives baltzar’s method for almost täystyrmäys of all the money taps did not go to catch up. Baltzar is received after 2013 126 000 for a variety of grants for ministry and the Arts promotion centre (Taiken).

– afterwards, it can be stated, that it would be perhaps more widely held to discuss the output of different donors, but then it can’t have been taken, said Lehikoinen.

baltzar’s cultural community steering group was involved in the visible politicians, including the current foreign minister Pekka Haavisto and former members of the european parliament Liisa jaakonsaari. Lehikoinen denies that nimekkäillä support they would have been the impact of grants.

Taiken director of Paula Tuovinen believes that the prominent supporters may have influenced it, how Baltzar projects have been received. According to him, the professional appraiser will see if the application trying to ride other people’s names.

But it is of course possible that someone has seen it increase credibility.

the Fact is baltzar’s roma background have effect on the cash flows, permanent secretary Anita Lehikoinen answer directly: yes

– the Meaning is that he is able to apply multiculturalism to the promotion of the money for that capacity.

Read more:

the Ex-ministers are wondering why not heard baltzar’s operations – director methods examined teacher to Yle: There was a risk

the city of Helsinki support Veijo Baltzarille recovery even before the human trafficking accusations – culture service chief of the latest data: “Disclaim any and all this type of activity”

the city of Helsinki offers high school students the debate help Veijo baltzar’s case – the industry leader: “Many young people are very sensitive and may become anxious in such cases”

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