It is Aftonbladet Debate Isabella and Gustav Fridolin sets out its requirements in the government formation talks.

the climate action and reforms for a green tax shift for environmentally harmful activities.

”For it to be possible to take us out of the fossilberoendet required a number of political klimatreformer becomes a reality. It is our central inputs in the regeringssamtalen. Sweden, for example, a broad tax reform, green tax reform, where taxes are raised on environmentally damaging activity and lowered on, for example, work”, writes the mouthpieces who.

They also write in to MP to strengthen the ”medmänskligheten in refugee policy”.

and Fridolin for tax cuts in the forthcoming budgetary cooperation.

”We are prepared to listen to the other parties, take responsibility and make compromises in order to Sweden, get a government. The green party is not a priority for lower taxes for the richest, but in the position we are, so will the economic policies include also such as are important for the other parties.”

In a previous interview with the DN told Annie Lööf to the Centre party can think of to release an S-led government of Stefan Löfven to accept a series of demands the party has put up. It includes lower taxes, a more liberal labour law and the liberalisation of rents.

Even the Liberals say they are ready to release Stefan Löfven’s make a ”hearty right turn” in politics.