The new nursing home at Tåsen in Oslo will house 135 nursing home and be so environmentally friendly that it makes more energy than it consumes. It is Omsorgsbygg in the municipality of Oslo is responsible for prestisjeprosjektet.

– On a worldwide basis, this project is completely in the front, ” said Flemming Idsøe, project manager, Omsorgsbygg, when the municipality launched the project in may 2017.

that was The Plan – and byggningsetaten granted byggetillatelsen, and gave a dispensation from reguleringsplanen. But after the massive naboprotester, the County governor of Oslo and Akershus sent byggesaken in return to the municipality. The county points out among other things that the municipality is violating its own zoning.

the Project counts 14.000 kvadrameter, but the county believes reguleringsplanen only provides access to the 8000 square meters. It is pointed out also that grøntarelene is too small.

the municipality of Oslo was in the middle of november, the permission to demolish the old nursing home at Tåsen. Now the plans are postponed until further notice.

Photo: Vegard Venli Neighbors protested

– Also, public agencies must follow laws and rules, ” says chairman of the board of the community organization for the Oslo areas Berg, Nordberg, Sogn og Tåsen to NRK. He points out at the same time:

We’d love to have a nursing home here, but one must do it properly and not just let the purpose powering it is the law.

Henning Iversen in the community organization Berg Nordberg Parish Tåsen Well (BNST) has been held from the county in that the new Tåsenhjemmet switch with reguleringsbestemmelsene.

Photo: Private

another thing Omsorgsbygg also need to take a position until after the county decision is that the eco-friendly project they wanted to build had too little greenery outdoors.

– In byggetillatelsen emphasized the municipality that the quality of the utearealene would be Bahsegel increased. We could not, however, see that the advantage of the municipality’s stated improvement in the quality resulted, was a big enough advantage in light of the disadvantages it entails utearealene be reduced in size, ” says senior adviser Marius Vamnes with the County governor in Oslo and Akershus.

On the picture below you can see the differences between the old and the new nursing home:

the County does not accept the municipality’s plans for the new Tåsenhjemmet to get less green spaces than the old one.

Photo: city of Oslo May be one year delayed

After the plan was the construction in the first half of next year, and the state of the art nursing home should be finished in 2020. The county has now recommended to the municipality to apply for a omregulering.

– With the relatively large these excesses in relation to what is legal for the current zoning, has the municipality, in practice, two options, ” says senior advisor Vamnes. He elaborates:

– Either you have to reduce the scope and size of the project, or prepare a new zoning which allows for a greater measures.

A omregulering can mean big delays, says Geir Versto in the Recall AS, the contractor who will build for Omsorgsbygg:

Often there is talk about processing time of about one year. Another solution is to project on, but it will also result in delays, says Versto.

– We have permission to start on the demolition of the existing nursing home, but if it is postponed or not is up to Omsorgsbygg to determine. We shall meet them to discuss these conditions today and tomorrow, ” says Versto.

Not clear what happens

– We work with you to consider the consequences of The decision. This is as of now not clear, ” states Mike Fredriksen. He took over as director in Omsorgsbygg in October, after Per Morten Johansen had to go off.

project Manager Flemming Idsøe says to NRK that the framework he is given to carry out the project now is changed.

– What happens next with the project from here is not up to me, says Idsøe.

When NRK ask about the project he is the leader so far is within the limits of their budget, referring Idsøe to utbyggingsdirektør Eldar Brynjulfsen in Omsorgsbygg. He has not answered The inquiries.

the municipality of Oslo and project manager Flemming Idsøe in Omsorgsbygg presented the prestigious project on Tåsen nursing home, so in the last spring.

Photo: Faksimille: Oslo municipality