the Story of the world’s billionaires increases, according to the organization Oxfam with 2.5 billion dollars a day. In average, converted to a trend of opinion among the dollarmilliardær every other day. All get an ever larger piece of the pie. The twenty-four richest own as much as the world’s 3,8 billion poorest people do. In Norway owns the richest percentage of the population 20 per cent of the values in the country.

Global inequality and injustice is once again a theme when the World Economic Forum takes place in Davos today. The development is worrisome. Ever-lower skattetrykk for large corporations and rich people, combined with an awkward looking on skatteflyktninger, concentrating power and wealth in the world.

Even in a country there are minor differences to be lifted up in both regjeringserklæringer and keynote speeches as an important value, increases the differences. The established byrdefordelingen between employees and kapitaleiere crumbles not overnight, but it will promote in the activity.

most people have experienced velstandsvekst the last few decades, but some groups are about to go from the rest.

Major differences is in no way inevitable, either globally or nationally. Fair distribution of benefits is a question of political will and power. There is no law of nature that dictates that the community will have to accept that enormous values are collected in a few hands and remains in the familiedynastier in generations.

on the contrary: the Market, we have laws against similar effects. Unfair competition laws, break up monopolies, and prevents the too great accumulation of power and control. Not because we do not begrudge the owners and shareholders in large companies with profit and success, but because we look bigger on it. The society, consumers, workers and investors served by that power be spread in several hands. The alternative is lower wages to workers, as well as the inferior and more expensive offers to the consumers.

Equivalent solutions found in skattepolitikken for politicians who are willing to take them in use. In Norway sits no to political power by power. Solberg government’s care for the nation’s millionaires and billionaires is great. After six faithful years of formuesvennlig policies, turning the new regjeringsplattformen determined that the rate of tax to be further down. Among other things, by cutting the taxes on the property, an important formuesdriver in Norway.

From the before the of is net wealth tax are greatly reduced and the employee’s social security contribution removed. It is not just the poor fordelingspolitikk, but also bad høyrepolitikk. If individuals efforts to make a difference in life, should the system rigges then.