The lack of public funding to the newspaper, The Paper opens a new case between the parties. The newspaper directed by Claudio Cerasa not figure in fact among the tested beneficiaries in 2018, of the public contributions to the publishing industry, according to the list published by the Department for Information and Publishing presidency of the Council of ministers, which is headed by the under secretary Andrea Martella (Pd). A choice of defence from the predecessor of Pounds, the pentastellato Vito Crimi , but challenged by a wide array of political figures.

In defense of the Paper are going to readers on social media and many politicians – from Renzi to Carfagna – who tweeted messages to the protection of the freedom of information. In the morning it is the same Pounds to intervene: “On the subject of the contributions to the Sheet, I think it is necessary and useful to avoid polveroni and exploitation that serve no one and leave only talk about the facts.” And continues by stating that “it is in progress by the Department for information and Publishing an investigative technique as a result of the findings of an audit carried out by the Guardia di Finanza. This appraisal, of course, will acquire the against deductions from part of the headboard and end to the law by next February.” He then concludes: “here the facts. About the controversy do not believe it is appropriate to enter, leaving you no time at all, the institutions and the cylinder head, to carry out their work in support of the freedom of information and pluralism of voices, as they should in a liberal democracy”.

and Then in the afternoon is a note of Deipartimento Publishing to further clarify the matter, explaining that “the advance payment equal to 50% of the contribution from 2018 is regularly provided, as a front to the disclosure of the Guardia di Finanza, the failure to provide the balance may not at the moment configured as a refusal” and that “the ultimate end of the law for the adoption of the measure the final will be expire only on February 28 2020”. In other words, the game is not yet closed because, according to the note – “on the 9th of December this year, the Department has granted a further 30 days to capture the counter-arguments of the Head”.

investigation of the Guardia di Finanza
The source of the exclusion of the Paper by contributions for the publishing industry, there would be therefore an investigation of the Guardia di Finanza, as explained in an article published today by the website of the daily newspaper founded by Giuliano Ferrara in 1996. During the government of greenish yellow, the Guardia di Finanza had dusted off an old survey of assessment lying for seven years in the drawers on the contributions for the years 2009-2010. The minutes of the Finance – act on the Sheet – stated that the newspaper “had no right in that two-year period to the contributions of the law because they had not reached the percentage of 25 percent of sales calculated on the entire run, which is false and has been proven false in our counterclaims, which any civil court is able to decide at any time”. The second argument of the Finance: “the Paper was the organ of a movement does not exist – writes the website of the newspaper – the Convention for the justice, which was seriously fake, seen that the movement existed, had held its founding congress in Florence, even in the presence of Marco Travaglio”. Finally, the co-operative Finance was not a true cooperative because the forces that had given rise to the Sheet as Srl were represented and supported in relation to the enhancement of the headboard, the Sheet had from them in rent. “This is the last falsification of a series,” writes the newspaper.

The conclusion, according to the Paper, is that “on the basis of these fake material, on which the courts will have to decide, the claim of the political authority and bureaucratic delegated to confirm or cancel the disbursement of the contributions to the publishing industry is to lead the Sheet to a serious crisis in the editorial, possibly to the closing, deliver the return of the six million for the two years already mentioned and in the meantime suspending the payment of contributions under warranty, proceeding without even yet having acquired the controrelazione of the newspaper with respect to the minutes of the financiers, which is downright huge, rise. The air that blows is that of an attack of treachery to a newspaper that is one of the most transparent machines administrative in the panorama of Italian publishing”.

Also, the former undersecretary for Publishing. Vito Crimi of the M5s defends himself: “Today we discover that The Foil is at the centre of an investigation by the Guardia di Finanza for having received public contributions to the publishing industry without having had the right. Money that should now return. Because of this debt, the Department of Information and Publishing, has blocked the provision of the new contributions – continued Crimi -. And The Sheet-what does it do? He accuses the Movement 5 Stars and the undersigned. And some fool goes to the back, screaming to the freedom of the press (nothing to do with anything)”. Then Crimi notes the dose: “One produced today by ‘The Paper’,
unfortunately, it is not information. And’ manure. Manure that is obviously some supporter of the ‘free press’, to alternating signs, like to stir and raise its goals.”

Among the exponents of the political world, the first to intervene in defence of the newspaper is the leader of Italy Viva Matteo Renzi that tweet: “Who wants to quit THE SPREADSHEET to know that we will defend this item free with it as we have defended for Radio radicale. Belly to the ground, all together, @ilfoglio_it must live”.

The member of parliament of Iv, Michele Anzaldi component of the Culture committee of the Chamber, in a parliamentary question to the president of the Board Giuseppe Conte, asks: “asks to know if the answer to the true that the Palazzo Chigi, through the Department of Publishing, intends to act to require six million euro of contributions paid to the newspaper ‘The Paper’ ten years ago, and if it intends to eliminate future contributions to the journal, of fact ratifying the union of the closure as ’threatened’ a year ago by the spokesman of the president of the Council, Rocco Casalino. What initiatives is the government and the president of the Council intend to take to protect a free voice of the press, the value of which is protected by the Constitution, and has often been invoked by the president of the Republic Mattarella. If, in the light of the legal dispute arose around the assessment of the Guardia di Finanza, which would have led to the exclusion of ‘The Paper’ contributions, it is not appropriate to initiate a further checking on the matter”.

“The Paper is a free voice and absolutely indispensable to the public debate of the Italian – says the deputy Pd Andrea Romano – for this we will use the Parliament and the Government to find a solution that guarantees the continuity of the newspaper, and the public contribution provided for by the law”. He is echoed by the chairman of the senate dem Andrea Marcucci : “I Am a fond reader of @ilfoglio_it, a free newspaper, original, essential. Must be defended in all ways”.

“we Want to defend the free voices of our Country and the Paper is one of these. Are at the side of Cerasa and his editorial staff, will not be a quibble to stop their good work,” writes on Twitter Mara Carfagna , vice president of the Chamber and a member of Forza Italia, which recently launched its association of “free Voice”.

“The Republic will fight always in defense of the freedom of information, to its readers and to all those who have at heart the principles of democracy and civil coexistence”

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