Internationally binding the climate agreements is absolutely necessary to stop it, that is our greatest challenge: to slow climate change. All countries have to cut even, but the emissions know no boundaries. Why must all countries be included, they must be able to rely on each other, and there must be a coordinated plan. The last few years have forces that are fighting against an international legal order and trading systems strengthened, with the choice of Donald Trump as the president of the united STATES as the foremost example. When the climate summit in Katowice in Poland still ended with such a good result this weekend, there is reason to breathe a sigh of relief. The Paris agreement in 2015 was not just a flicker. It must be called this year’s first christmas present.

Consensus for nervedrama a day in the sun

Admittedly tried the united STATES, along with Russia and Saudi Arabia, to undermine the Un’s latest report on what needs to stop warming at 1.5 degrees. They succeeded not, but was parked with a kompromissformulering that in reality recognizes the importance of the findings in the 1.5-gradersrapporten. It is embarrassing for the united STATES, and shows for all the world, what company country currently finds itself in.

important the purpose of the meeting in Katowice was to come up with rules for how emissions should be measured and controlled. This was for a large part of the agreement, and thus is actually mostly ready for the huge task that now remains: to cut emissions on a large scale, down to zero in 2050. World control, with the commitments as set in the overall climate policy, compared to 3 degree warming. It will lead to disastrous consequences. The last two years, the emissions increased, and even more powerful in 2018 than in 2017.

special with the Paris agreement, was that the ambitions were greater than we had expected. 2-degree goal were replaced with a willingness to stretch towards the 1.5. Denneviljen to the increased effort so we are not in the same degree in Katowice, but the foundation is laid and the next stop in the negotiations is a meeting in the UN in september next year. There must be countries meeting prepared, with specific goals and measures that are far more ambitious than they are today. Norway is one of the countries that need to strengthen their efforts, and who has promised it as a part of the group of the united nations with the sounding name of “High Ambition Coalition”. The government Solberg has in practice a half to get new plans in place. The climate and miljøminister Ola Elvestuen has received praise for the work in Katowice, now he must – and the Parliament – follow-up on home soil.

– You don’t listen to us. You did never