The electoral success of the extreme right in Andalusia coincides with the increasing tolerance and connivance of the political families traditional to messages ultra-nationalists and eurosceptics. But the possibility of Citizens to resort to the votes of Vox to take over the presidency of the Junta of andalusia surprise to the group, euro mp, the Liberal (ALDE) in a delicate moment.


The shadow of the return to the populism Europe is facing an intense election year, with the populists lurking

The european party Albert Rivera has become the struggle against the ultra-right in its sign of identity for the European Parliament elections in may 2019. The strategy, which happens to face the euroentusiasmo of the French Emmanuel Macron to the euroscepticism of the Hungarian Viktor Orban, could be jeopardised if the Spanish branch of ALDE is supported on a formation which has expressed unambiguously its support for the Government of Budapest.

The warm hospitality of the extreme right european Vox even more complicated to Citizens to explain the covenant outside the home. The ultra Dutch Geert Wilders and france’s Marine Le Pen, the two great threats of election for the traditional parties in the past year, we finally blew the power in their countries, have been the first to celebrate the progress of the formation of Santiago Abascal. Le Pen did so even before they knew the official results, calling Vox “movement and its young and dynamic”.

The old mep look askance at the next european elections, where she hopes to forge an alliance of eurosceptic and more powerful than the current: your group, the Europe of the Nations, sum 37 of the 751 seats of the european Parliament, and among its members has to parties that if you mimic their results domestic, could increase exponentially their votes, as the League of Salvini, or the Freedom Party in Austria. “Sure there will be a new group in the heat of the national alliance-populist who is weaving Steve Bannon, and probably there is Vox”, warns mep Beatriz Becerra.

The concern in the european Liberal group before a possible agreement with its reverse ideological is so obvious that its leader, Guy Verhofstadt, is scheduled to call in this Monday to Rivera to ask for explanations to the leader of Citizens, according to report sources of ALDE. “The call is both to congratulate him as to know first hand their intentions regarding the governance of Andalusia”, said these sources.

The own Verhofstadt launched Pashacasino in the night of Sunday, their first warning, with a tweet in which he congratulated the Citizens for the good results obtained, but added that “the success of the extreme right should concern us all.” In the group recognize that “Vox we are concerned and we very excited the possibility of an alliance”. But the same sources admit that there is a position taken because it is going to be the subject of discussion.” The power electoral of the Citizens and its importance for the liberals to take the leap electoral Macron intends, does, however, practically infeasible for the discomfort to pass from the words and translate into actions.

Alliances uncomfortable

The liberals, as the rest of the groups have already been found, sometimes with alliances uncomfortable. In Belgium, leading a federal government that is shared with the ultra-nationalist flemish N-VA, a party that in the European Parliament form part of the eurosceptic Group of European Conservatives and Reformists. In Denmark, the liberals also govern with the support in Parliament of the far-right Danish people’s Party.

The situation is even more uncomfortable in the Czech Republic, where ANO, the party of the prime minister, Andrej Babis, a part even of the party of european liberal, despite their dubious credentials. Babis, known for his euroscepticism, is also under investigation for alleged conflict of interest in the management of the structural funds of the EU, which could be exploited for personal gain.

The same situation is repeated in other political families. The popular european you not only have to Orban inside, but govern with the extreme right in Austria and flirt with her in Italy. The socialists are among its ranks formations with authoritarian tendencies in countries such as Slovakia or Romania. And on the left, the Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, is based on a party of ultra-nationalist, to be in power.

Only the Greens seem to be safe from fellow travelers bit convenient for the parties that support unambiguously the european integration. The liberals try to dispute that label of respectability to the environmentalists. But the temptation of power in Andalusia, which can be as strong to Citizens that the gallons pro-european of ALDE could be tarnished.