The PSOE and We will not have left more remedy than to surrender to the evidence. All the appeals of the president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, of the PP to keep the agreement initialled for the renewal of the General Council of Judicial Power (CGPJ) have been unsuccessful. The covenant is broken, and there will be no voting this Thursday. As did the Popular Group on Tuesday afternoon, the groups, the Socialist and United we Can have withdrawn from the signing of the agreement.

MORE INFORMATION Shepherd abronca to the deputies by the insults in the Congress and expels Ruffian Sanchez throws a last call for the PP to halt the deneme Bonusu crisis in the justice of The ‘whatsapp’ of Cosidó was the last straw for Marchena PP copy a law repealed to reform the General Council of the Judiciary

The socialists and the party of Churches want to avoid that this Thursday there is a ballot with the names of the agreed list and that does not leave forward, since PP is not going to support. You do not want to commit such a snub with the judges and magistrates who would be aggrieved, without having the slightest responsibility in the political conflict, listed in sources of the socialist leadership.

Both parties will have ratified before the Commission on Appointments, where this Wednesday, precisely, must be brought two of the candidates from the list agreed by the PP and the PSOE —Jose Miguel Castillo and Blas Jesus Imbroda Ortiz— who could not attend the meeting held last week.


The president of Congress, Ana Pastor, has announced that with the withdrawal of the list of joint appearances were not to celebrate and, from United we Can, Gloria Elizo, has confirmed that they had also withdrawn their candidates, which the Commission has not issued any report, and tomorrow there will be no voting in the plenary. The spokesman of the socialist group, Adriana Lastra, thanked the work of the persons who were proposed as candidates and that appeared last Friday in the Commission and has apologized for the “regrettable spectacle that has given the PP” to break the covenant closed.

Lastra has returned to place behind that rupture to the spokesman of the PP in the Senate, Ignacio Cosidó, and its message of Whatsapp in which he defended the agreement to “control from” behind the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court, and has claimed back his resignation. The popular insist that the covenant was broke by the fault of the minister of Justice, Dolores Delgado, who they accuse of filter on the name of the candidate agreed to preside over the Judiciary and the Supreme Court Manuel Marchena. The magistrate decided Monday not to qualify for the position. His resignation coincided with the publication of the messages Cosidó and was the trigger of the end of the agreement by the PP.