The elections in andalusia have started at nine in the morning with the opening of their polling stations without any incident of great depth. The PSOE in andalusia has publicly denounced that two proxies of Vox have insulted the socialist candidate to the reelection, Susana Díaz, when he was going to exercise their right to vote in the college Alfares de Triana, in the city of Seville, and had shown its intention to denounce these facts before the electoral authority. According to sources, the socialist quoted by Europa Press, a couple of representatives of this formation have shouted to Diaz phrases such as “Forty years stealing”, “Susanita you run out of the surplus, “Susan, stop,” in addition to “Enchúfame”. On the other hand, the schools of Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz) have opened with two hours of delay because they did not have ballots of Equo.


elections in andalusia, the first test for election-year The images of the day elections in Andalusia Andalusia on the five keys

With regard to the incident with Susana Díaz, the representatives of the PSOE-A in the electoral board have been directed to the attorneys of VOX to tell you that this attitude could not be maintained in an electoral college, and that was a lack of respect to democracy. Parents “have been removed for improper conduct”, assure from Vox. After casting your vote, the president has made statements to the media, but has not been referred to the insults, that the socialist andalusian want to report to the Board of Elections. The analysis of the survey data 40dB for THE COUNTRY stands to Vox with a chance to enter in the andalusian Parliament in four provinces.

In the first balance of the day, the counselor andalusian of Justice and home affairs, Rosa Aguilar, highlighted a couple of issues relating to the electoral roll that have been remedied on the fly. Two schools of Cordoba have opened with delay of 45 and 19 minutes and therefore will Jasminbet close the voting at 20.43 and 20.19, respectively, and in the set of Sanlúcar de Barrameda have not been able to start the voting at the scheduled time because they lacked ballots Equo.

Past 9.30 am, a citizen of Sanlúcar de Barrameda that wanted to vote the party Equo has seen that there was no ballots. Then, the Provincial Delegation of the Junta has realised that it was not timely and that the problem extended into the 81 tables of the town, apparently, by a problem in the shipment of the documents from the city Hall of the city. All schools have been closed and have not reopened until after 11: 00, with the ballots of Equo.

The centers will be open until 21.15, although in the centre of Algaida, in core rural the delay has been greater and the voting will last for two hours and eight minutes more, until 22.15. The proxy of Citizens in the Municipal Library, Jose Maria Ruiz, he complained that the shutdown “has made that many older people will not be able to vote and they have gone to saying that no longer will.” In that same college, in the centre of the town, has voted John Marin, candidate of Citizens.

it has Not been the only incident in Sanlúcar. The last two polling stations to be set up throughout the community have made it a centre of this town, in the school Guadalquivir. Up to 18 chairs, members and alternates have not been presented and have had to replace them volunteers. One of them has been Mary of the Rose. He came as the representative of the PP and has remained as president of the board. “I am president by accident. All for the Fatherland”, has joked.