It had been a long day’s journey into night at the Rödbogatan 6 in central Stockholm. Maratonmötet in the ministry of finance’s premises ended with a handshake. Not that it was agreed, perhaps more out of courtesy, for it lay on the table was not yet an agreement. But several days of negotiating had resulted in a document that addressed both taxes and migration as the building regulations and LSS.

And then there was the labour law. A classic konfliktfråga between the right and left, between liberals and socialists, between employers and trade unions.

More precisely, has the toughest battle gone around the Las and turordningsreglerna about who should be terminated only at the lack of work.

DN:s conversations with sources within all political parties that participated in the deliberations, pointing to how this issue finally put an end to the attempts to form a mittenregering.

political negotiation is a battle on which the picture of the incident which to settle. Even people who have been in the same room can come out with stories that differ considerably from each other.

The description of the process is about a social democracy which does not have the power to take the decisive steps against a labor law that would create flexibility in the labour market. A call to the social partners, within a year, come back with proposals for reform of the turordningsreglerna was, according to the centerpartisterna not sufficiently binding. Nor does the threat of legislation, if the talks did not produce results, was, according to them sufficiently strongly worded.

the Centre party called for an agreement where it is expressly said that the purpose of the parties ‘ negotiations, and any legislation, would be that the employment period would have less importance in the layoffs. Instead, skills are given greater weight. The centre party’s policy is that companies with less than 50 employees shall be exempted from the turordningsreglerna. So far-reaching demands posed C) is not in the negotiations, claim sources in the party. But a settlement with P must point in the direction. In the other pan wanted to Party see increased opportunities for conversion, so that the termination can qualify for a new job.

Correspondingly, the anguish surrounding the labour law, it is not possible to ignore the personal connections that exist between the management and the LO. Stefan Löfven is the former Metallbas and has a close relationship to the current LO president Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson. During the negotiations with the C, L and MP was also Tomas Eneroth at the table. Eneroth has as well as Leaves a history within the IF Metall and is also raised in the same small society that Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson, småland Cost. It is about two friends who’ll say to a third: we’re going to do something that you will not like.

Correspondingly, the description of the tug-of-war on labour law are, of course, other than The centre party. They see it as centerpartisterna not have a full understanding of how partsmodellen on the labour market. C-the requirement was, according to the S-sources that the parties would agree on a virtually completed bill that could threaten the unions and employers, with. The message to the parties would be: If you are not able to agree on the exact it here so we can ensure that it will be so in all cases, by legislation. The social democrats believe that none of the parties would put themselves in such a negotiation, in particular, not the employee side when it comes to turordningsreglerna. It would be to show a lack of respect for the parties ‘ skills and ability, according to the S.

It is obvious that C and S do not found the way to a working wavelength.

the social democrats were surprised by The way to go in negotiations. From the S-direction was understood L and MP which is more constructive, with suggestions on possible wordings for the various areas that would be discussed. The approach describes the socialists rather than as a list of requirements with the message ”how far can you go”?

on the other hand, the negotiations with the S that to stand and stomp in front of a brick wall in three days. Bufflighet, is another word that centerpartister use to describe the socialist style.

At 01.20 on Sunday shook the parties ‘ representatives hand and then scrubbed the. When the social democrats did not hear anything the day after the recognized it as the anchor of the other parties went well. The surprise was therefore great in S-camp when Annie Lööf said no on Monday morning.

Centerpartister that DN talked to describe an autumn full of meetings where the party leader Annie Lööf has been careful to ensure the internal support for the next step. During the almost eight hours, the met league and the worker’s party on Sunday. All members would be given the opportunity to present their arguments for or against a S-cooperation. DN finds that there was a wide range of opinions, but outwardly keeps centerpartisterna united front. The party has learned the lessons of the Liberal sore battle, in a transparent way and do not want to make the same mistake. While the Liberals were rocked by divisions between the L-leader Jan Björklund and the part of the party who does not want to cooperate with S is the to get centerpartister who knows which is the ultimate goal, Annie Loof looks in front of him.

to the disappointment of both the Green party and the Liberal partiledningar. The party secretary Maria Arnholm has in an internal letter to the L-representatives lamented that there was never any settlement between the parties.

Doubts have been raised for the Annie Lööf way to slam the door in the face of Stefan Löfven. Why not come back with additional requirements, if the outcome has not sufficed?

Centerpartisterna believe that they had already tried all the possibilities to get the social democrats to approach them. The crucial question is whether the labour law, it was not to come forward, was their assessment.

C voted ‘ no ‘ to their industrialized, M-leader Ulf Kristersson in the first statsministeromröstningen. On Friday, they do the same thing with the S-leader Stefan Löfven in round two of four.

Sweden has thus taken a step closer to an extra option.

Ewa Stenberg, Soon to take the electorate’s patience with the parties, the end

viktor’s The last regeringsutvägen