On Wednesday clubbed in the budget for 2019 in the parliament. The interim government’s bill, which did not include any new controversial proposals, stood against a common budgetreservation from M and KD, with the support of SD won the form of voting.

another proposal had been able to be on the parliamentary table, if the negotiations in the weekend between the social democrats, the Centre party, the Liberals and the Greens had stopped in unity. Also it would have contained tax cuts, albeit on a smaller scale. According to what DN experience, was drawn up during the negotiations a table of the budget where taxes would be cut by 10 billion. According to the task force over the entire term of office.

agreed, it had resulted in a budgetreservation from S, C, L, and MP had a good chance to win Wednesday’s vote in parliament.

the Sum of sek 10 billion to be confirmed by sources within several parties, as well as that it was lowered war, a further reduction of the pensionärsskatten as well as some reductions in the rates of employer’s contribution. The reduction of the värnskatten shall, according to what DN experience have been applied already from the end of the year, which had required that the proposal has been around at Wednesday’s budgetomröstning.

In a first step in the negotiations the reductions have been 7.5 billion. It was dismissed by the bourgeois parties as inadequate, in comparison with the 20 billion in tax cuts just for 2019 as the Moderates and the Christian democrats shared had already put on the parliamentary table.

the bid to 10 billion according to what the DN experience by a tax cut for pensioners was brought forward, in addition to the already existed in the övergångsbudgeten.

This was not sufficient for the Centre party. However, that was not the level of tax cuts it is crucial. The negotiations instead on the issue of reforms of labour law and a new system of calculating rents.