the Citizens ‘ confidence in the prime minister’s party SDP has deteriorated quickly.

This is evident from the latest party survey, which has been implemented already before the Post-tangle set Antti Rinne (sd.) the position of prime minister of the horizontal board. The survey was done in early November.

the slope of the position of the head of the government was changed on Monday the former harder, when the center was set by the slope of the chances continued as prime minister questioned. SDP responded that it has full confidence in the Slope.

the social democratic party has fallen in the latest the party’s image in comparison to fourth place, while it still last spring before the parliamentary elections, was a comparison of the number one.

the Changes in the SDP’s image are quite small, but still the PS, the greens and the coalition cut in the poll above.

at a time when public confidence in demareihin is decreased, the finns managed to Polish its image clearly. Jussi Halla-aho led by the party rose one stroke out of fifth place image survey to the tip.

the Last time the PS was the brand image survey in the forefront the autumn of 2010, i.e. before the first big election win, “jytky” in.

the Party’s image settled regularly as part of the party barometer research, conducted by market research firm Kantar TNS.

the Parties were the latest survey data access last week. Of internal party needs to do audience research often leak sooner or later the media over.

Yle got the information from the latest research on Monday.

Lasse Isokangas / Yle

the image of research is a cold shower already its credibility because of the difficulty for the government.

five of the government from the party of three is the image comparison with a wooden spoon, i.e. the center, the left alliance and the SDP.

the Weakest ratings in the latest poll gave the centre, which sinks a tail to top it off already Juha Sipilä prime minister at the end of the.

the Only government party that the success of the study, is green.

May the Wave short season the leader of the party ate the green image, but the chairman of replacing the first Pekka Haavistoon and then Maria ohisalo the returned to the party soon study the top of the rankings. Now green ranked last in the spring of the second.

Trust SDP to falter

the Post-dispute because of the great difficulties SDP:the barometer is a rugged read.

Still more citizens trust demareihin has weakened and this has happened relatively quickly in the party’s rise to power after. The social democratic party could be the image of one of last year since the autumn of this year until spring.

Last spring, 24% of survey respondents assessed that the trust SDP is decreased. This fall I saw this number has risen to 34%. The reading is the same coalition party.

ticklish the situation is, however, the centre, for as much as 40 per cent of the respondents considered that confidence in the party is decreased. Although the figure was previously still a few notches worse.

Lasse Isokangas / Yle

according to the Survey, the largest government parties the social democratic party and the centre also suffer from their leaders ‘ weak attraction.

the Centre changed its chairman Juha sipilä of the Katri kulmuni I at the beginning of September, but even that has not brought relief.

the centre management experience attraction to only seven percent of the respondents.

Just better not to go to the Slope by pulling the SDP, it demarin lead attraction speaks to only eight percent of the citizens.

the party leadership attraction personified often directly to the president, for a few citizens is able to name several individuals, even in large parties the management station.

by far the most has improved the finns. Respondents to the survey 26 per cent of Jussi Halla-aho and his bunch appealing.

Li Andersson , led by the left alliance had previously this comparison the ones. Now the left alliance executive to keep the attraction 22%.

Lasse Isokangas / Yle

the party leadership to assess the survey also skilled on the basis of and in this comparison harshest readers to get to the center and the democrats.

as much as 37 percent of respondents assessed the center’s management inept as the democrats, the corresponding figure is 34.

Adept best, based on the comparison of the success of the left alliance and the coalition.

Lasse Isokangas / YlePerussuomalaisilta lightning rise to the top of the

the true finns rose image comparison tip is due to many factors. Citizens ‘ attitude towards the party has become more positive, estimated the case for almost any property.

the Other party compared to the PS line is the citizens ‘ opinion, clear and easy to understand be.

survey’s respondents, 36 per cent of the basic Finnish line clear, the other parties, the corresponding figure is considerably weaker: the greens 22%, coalition 21, left alliance 20, SDP 12 and the center 10.

the PS has been the profile of a clear party already before this autumn, but now the finns have pluck’t given a clear lead over other parties.

Lasse Isokangas / Yle

in the opinion of Citizens, the finns also told me honestly what the party seeks.

I Saw the true finns think about 38% of the public, other parties are this far PS:no reading: green 22%, left alliance 19, coalition 15, SDP 14 and the center 10.

the party barometer is a clear illustration of the factors, which is why the true finns is a successful recent support queries.

as well As the Yle that the Helsinki Sanomat in recent measurements, the PS has been clearly the biggest party.

yle of months ago, a study published by the party received 23% support. HS polls last week (you move to another service) the true finns popularity rose to 22.4 per cent.

the Major parties of the ordering party survey of the public perception of the party for 15 different gauge. With their help, the six largest parties are placed in order of merit.

the Latest research has interviewed approximately 1 300 people in early November and the survey margin of error is 2.7 percentage points in either direction.

Read more:

Yle poll: support for the true finns in a decent leap, the democrats of the lows only to continue

Juha sipilä of the prime minister through the left harsh mark the center of the image – the latest party survey anticipated the party to landslide losses

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