a Lot of reason for a good mood, had Andrea Nahles not in the past few months to were it’s a bad poll ratings of the SPD, according to the criticism of your Acting from its own ranks. But at the end of the two-day Executive Board meeting on the Reform of the welfare state, the party leader, showed on Monday emphasized in tidy mood. “Overall, we had a very good, intensive, constructive debates, a unanimous decisions and in a good mood,” she announced: “So it can go further.” It is an important Signal that the SPD now go with momentum in this important political year 2019.

in fact, the election year of 2019 is ready to provide the European election and the state election in Bremen at the end of may, as well as with three state elections in the East for the SPD and its Chairman severe tests. The Signal that the SPD is adopted from the current Hartz-IV-System and about longer unemployment money 1 wants to pay, so members of the party leadership, hope am in time to show in the elections and effect. Slight gains in the polls, the SPD, and some are now up to 17 per cent, support the cautious optimism.

Union criticized the social state concept to solid

it was the social Democrats in the past few days, which was not managed for a long time: to put up With their own decisions in matters in which the Public and other parties to the process. The Union of the new welfare state concept criticized hard, and as an attack on the social market economy, castigated, not only liked party Vice Ralf Stegner. “If the class opponent has the fear of the welfare state concepts of the SPD, we are on a good path,” he tweeted. Also Nahles announced that the SPD had a clear position: “If the other RUB it well. The is policy. We need more of this.”

The Chairman, to the, until recently, important functionaries of the SPD in the protection of the anonymity of harsh criticism had practiced, claimed the Agreement at the end of the Board retreat as their own performance: “This is also a method to lead this party.” You, yourself, have initiated the discussion on the Reform of the welfare state, which have led to clear decisions. The decisions were a “major milestone for our policy in the next few years”. The SPD is a policy, “which stands for social cohesion”.

the future “is a weighty and important than anything”

Even after the harsh criticism of her predecessor Sigmar Gabriel and former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder was Nahles on Monday asked. The personal attacks had not weakened the ailing Chairman of the party, but had on the contrary an effect of solidarity with her. Nahles, who has won with the Board retreat, at least temporarily, gave generously. “Everyone here has a right to criticize me,” she said. The Board of Directors have positioned the party for the future, “the weightier and more important than everything else”.

The new links course with a higher minimum wage, the cancellation of many Hartz-IV-sanctions, the protection of children and the right to Home-Office work is seen by some in the party leadership as a possible justification for an exit from the Grand coalition, if the end of the year, the agreed Revision of the government work. Nahles rejected such Considerations, however, brusquely. The exit from the Grand coalition was in the exam “zero issue,” she said. Instead, the SPD wanted to move in the coalition agreement mid-term concerted balance of the government’s Alliance with the Union.

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Federal government of the SPD- “social plans” columns large coalition

Paul Starzmann

Whether it will be the end of the year then Nahles, the draws together with the Union, the balance should, however, also depend on the outcome of the upcoming elections in 2019.