The SPD wants to strengthen a social state concept of the social and social cohesion. Because of the case not from the sky, said SPD Leader Andrea Nahles on Monday at a press conference. Earlier, the party’s Executive Committee had been debated at a conference in Berlin about the future of the ideas and reforms of the labour market and social policy decided.

at The Executive Board meeting decisions taken appreciated Nahles as “important choices for our policy in the next few years”. At least parts of it should still be in this legislature to be implemented. The concept of the SPD includes, among other things, better wages, and a modern worker policy, such as the right to a home office, non-accessibility, and a time account is included, so Nahles. In addition, the unemployment benefit I should be extended, and after three months, “a legal right to training” will be introduced.

Also the concept of equity is part of the social state concept. In this context, Nahles said for a basic pension after 35 years of service. “We can also prevent old-age poverty of people, the decades have worked for,” she said. “Who has long paid into the System, should also have a longer something of the System.” As a response to criticism of the cost of the basic pension she said: “Yes, the cost is what it is, but it also costs what, when people are slipping into poverty in old age.”

Nahles admitted, however, that you could not imagine a concept to agree with, that in the end does not work. In this respect, there is still a great need for discussion, said Nahles in relation to the proposal for the basic pension of the Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil.

On a report question for intra-party criticism of Nahles, said: “Everyone here has a right to criticize me, sure.” At the Board retreat it was gone but something else and that was also important. There have been good debates and good humor.

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questions of whether the SPD is introductory with your decisions from the Sunday farewell from the Grand coalition, said Nahles: “This was a zero issue”. Rather, the social Democrats wanted to make in the coalition agreement mid-term concerted balance sheet of the government Alliance at the end of the year the Union in common. The SPD-Boss referred to the fact that CDU and CSU are always substantive points would be introduced. (with AFP)