the State ownership steering department officials have negotiated a Mail with management the company’s activities during the action.

Postal strike in connection with trade union PAU has accused the post office to stop the bursting of the temporary workers with the help of.

Officials were the owner of the control of the minister of Sirpa Paatero (sd.) errand. This line Wednesday night that the state of the company can not use scab labour. The minister noted that the matter go on Thursday with some Mail through.

the minister Paatero does not itself participate in Thursday’s meeting, but commented on the situation to Yle in parliament.

– the owner of the control of the people discuss the Post with and tomorrow, the mediator will continue to work.

Paatero noted that the Post information itself, what measures it may now take.

with Them has probably been pretty good for discussion.

the post of communications director Piia Kumpulainen signaled to Yle that the matter is still unfinished.

– about this is, when to tell is, Kumpulainen signaled.

the Mail two weeks after the strike began on Monday. The dispute arbitrated, the next time Friday morning.

Paatero: the Same line as Sipilällä

the trade union pau, president of Heidi Nieminen reason Wednesday the Post directly lying to hire labour use.

the Mail has said that it will use the normal situation in temporary workers, and these are not hired due to a strike more.

They have said that, for example, the packet sorting in the temporary labour to be used (only) as much as it has been used before the strike. It can we picket you to prove that claim is a lie, Nieminen said to reporters the kingdom of the mediator’s office.

the owner of the control minister Sirpa Paatero said that wanted further clarification from the Postal service, because it has been unclear whether the use of rented labour to work in.

– you can’t do that. We don’t want to, nor allowed, Paatero said on Thursday.

Paaterolta was also asked whether he has discussed the former prime minister of Juha Sipilä (kesk.) with, which also was missing time post of temporary agency work use in the industrial context.

Paatero said, I’m not Finnish with the post’s current strike talk.

Then the situation was different. There were no laws, which is currently in force. But the same line has been so the then prime minister than the present one with the scabs is not allowed.

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