In 13 years, the norwegians trained themselves to psychologists at the ELTE-university in Budapest and the Norwegian directorate of Health granted the license to these candidates. Arbeidslisens in Norway gave the candidates the opportunity to gain clinical experience in the Norwegian health care system. Until autumn 2016, when the practice for the license was changed without notice, started the students on the studies in the good faith belief that they would get authorisation to practise as psychologists in Norway.

Hanna Flood. Show more

the Change put several hundred norwegians in a very unpredictable position.

On top of the difficult situation, the students have experienced that both the representatives of the health authorities and psykologenes union cast doubt on their competence. It has been stated that they are a “risk to patient safety”, without that it has been put forward evidence that says that this group receives more complaints than others.

ANSA see it as a positive challenge to the ELTE-students are taken seriously by the ministry of Health has presented the complementary measures as some of the affected candidates may be authorized, the opinion REQUIRED that this measure should have been necessary. the

Alexander has spent five years and 500 000 € to be a psychologist, but denied a license by the state

ELTE has submitted No evidence that 90 per cent of the subject matter in this kurstiltaket is the repetition of the education the education at ELTE covers. Kurstiltaket has a price tag of 244 million.

ELTE-students have also experienced it as challenging, that it is the Norwegian universities that offer profesjonsutdanningen in psychology that sits with jevngodhetsvurderingene in this case. the

A measure to avoid this would be to let the opinions made by the foreign universities, so as to avoid conflicts of interest from institutions who want to protect their own educations and konkurranseutsettelsen of these.

– Hungary-psychologists to get a job in all countries except Norway

We fear that complicated and difficult autorisasjonsprosessene can lead that Norway lose valuable expertise that could have contributed positively to the Norwegian health care system. It should be the real competence of each student that is taken into consideration. the

Autorisasjonsordningene for students abroad must be far more predictable than they are today. They are not there, we can’t expect students traveling out.

Here she explains why the state says no to students