the Loss is the only statistically significant change in the februarimätningen. The conservatives are now significantly below the results of the election of 19.8%.
in essence, the voters for the Christian democrats and The sweden democrats.
– the Christian democrats during the Ebba Busch Thor management become a serious competitor to the Conservatives. We can get to see more of this in the upcoming EUROPEAN elections, says Sifos opinionschef Toivo Sjörén to the Swedish newspaper svenska Dagbladet.
– with 3.8 per cent ends up the party, which now faces a partiledarbyte, during the latch parliament for the second month in a row.
the Centre is on the other hand remained at approximately the same intensity as in the januarimätningen.
– the Centre party has not been hit as much of the settlement with the government, in essence, it is the Liberals that have taken a beating, ” says Toivo Sjörén to SvD.
the SvD/Sifo-survey – the second väljarbarometern ago regeringsuppgörelsen – was carried out between 4 and 14 February, and is based on 3.888 interviews.