the Swedish migration board flagged in the fall to the processing times would be longer and that more people would seek asylum in 2019. On Friday, wrote the work down the forecast for the number of asylum seekers for this year and next year.

“We have a much more stable situation now, not least when it comes to the number of asylum seekers,” says Henrik Holmer, planning manager at the Swedish migration board.

the Agency expects that about 21,000 persons will seek asylum in Sweden in the year and 22,000 in 2020. Which can be compared with höstprognosens figures for the same periods of 26,000, respectively 33.000.

that the reduction in the allocation to The courts service will lead to increased costs. It because to the courts is the hearing the decision from the Swedish migration board that are appealed.

– One aspect of the budget that the riksdag decided on in december is that the courts had greatly reduced appropriations. It is of great importance for the duration of stay of asylum seekers, ” says Henrik Holmer.

When the duration of stay of an asylum seeker becomes longer, it leads to greater costs for the Swedish migration board. Costs as Henrik Holmer mean will exceed the cost reductions that have been made for a Review of the budget.

Already today the waiting times long and with the budget that is now we fear that the processing times in the courts will increase very sharply.

the proposal will reduce in the future, among other things, due to the decreased number of asylum seekers in the forecast but also due to M/KD budget.

– In the budget we got about 100 million more than we anticipated and it has implications for our capacity, of course. It has among other things made that we don’t see the same need for conversion in the year that we thought in the autumn, ” says Henrik Holmer.

at the same time want to mean the authority that they need an increased allocation of 375 million to 2021 for that processing times should not increase significantly.

” Our appropriations are falling steadily between 2018 and 2019, and between 2019 and 2020. It is about to reduce the decrease something. As a proportion of the total allocation, it is a pretty small change we are proposing, but it may very great importance for the processing time and the applicants.

the temporary law, which expires in June, be extended for two years, and in addition, persons eligible for subsidiary protection have the same right to family reunification as refugees. The justice department believe that a new bill will be on the parliamentary table before the summer.

one of the migration board believes have contributed to the stability in the forecast.

– Now we have both a government and a legislation, we have been informed that the temporary law will change, ” says Henrik Holmer.

the Swedish migration board assesses that the agreement will result in more matters regarding reunification than if the law is extended in its current form. However, despite the believe that it will lead to fewer cases than forecast in november. So it was on the basis that the law would not be extended at all and, therefore, to return to the previous more generous legislation.

Read more: the Process can be long for families who want to Sweden

Read more: the Swedish migration board warns of longer processing times

Read more: After three years, Ali Issa be reunited with his family in Sweden.