Good time in practically the whole of Spain —except for light rain in the bay of Biscay and the Pyrenees— and warm temperatures for the bridge of December, according to progress of the State Agency of Meteorology (Aemet) in their special prediction for this parenthesis of four days. “The weather will be quiet and stable, with the exception of will a small front in the north between Friday and Saturday, which will go for Galicia and go skimming over the bay of Biscay. Will rains, first in Galicia and Asturias and then in the bay of Biscay east and the Pyrenees”, it sums up by phone one of the spokespersons of the Aemet, Reuben Field.

After the passage of this front, “will enter the cold Aresbet air, which will lower the height of snow at the 1,200 meters in the area of the Pyrenees”. But outside of the far north and in Galicia, in the rest of Spain are expected to “heavens little cloud, stability and fog because of the time anticiclónico”. “The fog will be more of interest these days in the plateaus and valleys of the great rivers. If the conditions are right, they can persist several hours and even not lift, so that in these areas the temperatures will be low,” adds Field. However, where there is no fog, the values will be “quite high” for the time of year, especially on Wednesday and Thursday, with “between five and 10 degrees above” normal. “On Friday, will be between three and five degrees over iran and down over the bridge, reaching normal values by Saturday, except in Andalusia, where they will continue to be a few degrees higher,” explains.

This is the forecast for the days:

Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6, Constitution Day. stable Time in the Peninsula and Balearic islands, sunny position, in general, although with intervals of high clouds. In both plateaus, and the interior of the northeast of the peninsula, the mists and fogs night and morning, which can be maintained throughout the day.