The proposed German anti-pollution: only three flights per person per añoLa Spanish idea that can be reduced by 40% the consumption and emissions of large barcosUna airline enters the top ten emitters of greenhouse gases

the United Left (IU) wants to promote initiatives that limit the flights whose route can be done in train at a time when “small and reasonable”. The goal is to reduce “the environmental impact” which is “air transport”.

through a parliamentary initiative , signed by deputy Eva García Sempere, the training emphasizes that, for example, a flight between Madrid and Barcelona, emits about 70 kilograms of carbon dioxide (CO2) per passenger, while the same route by rail represents about 6 kilograms, that is to say, a “pollution 12 times less” .

Since the party led by Alberto şirinevler escort Garzón point out that various governments and european parliaments environment, such as France and the Netherlands, as “they are posing the question of environmental impact of air transport ” until the point that since “there are proposals to ban the flights whose route can be made by train in three hours or less.”

For this reason, García Sempere want to know if the Government of Spain, “an urgent need to complete the map rail in Spain ” whereas “CO2 emissions per journey by plane, car and train”.

Out of the Paris agreement

In this same line, remember that despite the fact that from the airlines and the industry in general insist that has been increased eco-efficiency in the flights, “the data do not support this statement judging by the large increase of CO2 emissions”.

“There is that to consider, also, that the air sector is not included in the Paris agreement on climate, the kerosene is one of the fossil fuels more polluting or that in many countries, this fuel has a tax advantageous”, says the mep.

there, that UI is also raised to the Executive for a ruling on if “he thinks that it would be positive to establish a tax on the kerosene used by the aviation sector in Europe to contribute to reduce CO2 emissions”.