The first christmas of the current Us territory will mark the round of the year. The first christmas party was held by the Spanish explorers and konkistadorin Hernando de Soto winter camp in Florida in 1539.

De Soto’s fleet of nine ships was to climb one of the Tampa Bay beaches of 620 men and their family members. Camp was taken the current Tallahassee near the locations of the apalachee indian capital of Anhaica.

the New world to become farmers, artisans, merchants, slaves, and probably quite a few for the sheer adventure dudes. There were also 12 catholic priests, so the christmas fair was able to care for the old world way.

we Know, that they had with them all necessary items and accessories exhibition to organise, to tell the state archaeologist Mary Glowacki in Tallahassee Magazine (you move to another service) in the journal.

Although christmas is not preserved in the written information, at least in the exhibition, therefore, was considered, and not eat the christmas meal too, the researchers speculate.

Pig’s jawbone told banquet

Archaeologists found the camp about thirty years ago. The discovery of among them was a pig’s jaw bone songs. The pigs were the Spanish that, in the Americas they are not pre-existing to be you.

the Bones have concluded to tell the christmas meal or any other brand the day, as much as eating pigs is not enough.

Corn and beans instead, it was enough for the conquistadors before encountered the apalachee indians were forced to abandon the city of the big corn – and papuvarastot at the sight of wisest to escape the approaching spaniards.

the Archaeological finds there are also soldiers in the ring armor shirt of the parts and the song crossbow. Weapons was the use, for the apalachee tried very hard to retake their city back.

glowacki, according to the camp lived in constant siege, which was just as violent with violence. Both sides killed a lot of people.

Short party was celebrated tiptoe

the Attack of the threat require the attention of christmas, isn’t christmas already been in the 1500’s as much a celebration as it is now, but only one in the cycle of the many religious of the day, Glowacki said.

the Catholic church, however, require all of them respect messulla. Scientists agree that mertenkin behind the left either christmas entirely. The party, however, was likely to be short, the exhibition was held outdoors and the crowd was on the alert, they are summed up.

De Soto sent out christmas, despite a few men to feel the new travel routes. Florida state museum agency (you move to another service), together with that early in the map in the entry would seem to refer to christmas. The museum agency’s page has pictures of the camp archaeological findings.

Anhaicassa was celebrated only one christmas. The following spring, the Spanish headed north. They had heard that there was gold.

the Case is part of yle’s News and current affairs activities, science news of the christmas calendar. We publish daily science news, which is associated with this time of the year – directly or at least bend through. The last door opens on christmas eve.

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