Tuesday 7 January, the Parliament reopens after the break of the christmas holidays. And is announced a week policy all uphill for the majority and the government, with a series of dates to mark on your calendar that have to be overcome possible barriers. All the while the international framework, including Libya and the Middle East, inflames and engage the executive on strategic decisions that would require parliamentary approval. the 7 January: summit on the prescription… Already, Tuesday, January 7, in the afternoon, will be held in Palazzo Chigi a vertex of the majority is dedicated to prescription. M5s defends the law Bonafede, entered into force on January 1, which abolishes the prescription after the judgment of first instance, while the other parties are against it and ask for a mediation to the premier Earl. The Pd has their own ddl, focused on the certainty of the times in the various stages of the process, while Italy Living threat to rate the ddl of Forza Italia, before the signature of Enrico Costa, which clears the power-law Bonafede. A text, to Fi, that in January will arrive in the Classroom. the …and the M5s decides on 30 members of parliament “insolvent” Always the 7 spotlight on the M5s and its fibrillations. A meeting between the two leaders (Davide Crippa, Gianluca Perilli), the Arbitrators and the Committee of the guarantors, will make the point on the situation of the approximately 30 members of parliament in arrears with the return of the money. The next day there will be a joint assembly of the M5s Chamber of deputies and Senate, where it will emerge the more time politicians.
January 8: first examination of the case, Gregoretti Still Wednesday, may 8 we will be the first meeting of the Council for the immunity of the Senate on the request for authorization to proceed to Matteo Salvini to the story of the ship Gregoretti, on which also the check out have announced their yes to the process leader league: the vote is expected on January 20 and eyes have turned to the M5s, that must explain his vote against Salvini, a year ago it was saved by the senators Pentastellati on the history of the vessel Diciotti. the January 9, the new electoral law Between 8 and 9 and the majority will settle in the Room the text of the electoral reform on which, in these days is trying to close. Dem and cinquestelle have found an agreement on the proportional with barrage at 5%. The reform may, however, be put into crisis on 15 January, when the Constitutional Court will rule on the admissibility of the referendum election of the League, that the current Rosatellum, in a majority pure and simple, if the council gave the go-ahead to the referendum, this could be avoided only with a reform that moves in the same direction, then in the sense of the majority and not proportional.