Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) aims to achieve for the new year is a Hartz-IV-Reform. “Excessive sanctions do not work in practice, but many are unsettled, need to get away,” said healing the Newspapers of the editorial network Germany (RND). This also includes stricter sanctions for the under-25-Year-old.

salvation primarily criticised that housing costs can be reduced. He expected already in January, “a very interesting debate,” said the SPD politician, referring to a pending ruling of the Federal constitutional court regarding the appropriateness of the penalties in the basic security.

The Minister was also clear that he was against the abolition of the duty to cooperate. “There is in the social state of a double responsibility: To the care of the state, to help the needy, and the responsibility of each Individual to be yourself.” He added: “If you take the x-th Time, an appointment at the office not true, it should have consequences.”

children’s Supplement to expand

healing wish to reach, in his own words, that “as few as possible of people slipping at all in the basic security, especially when children are affected”. It is important that the child Supplement for low-income families to expand and improve the opportunities for education and participation, he said the “RND”.

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SPD Leader Andrea Nahles had demanded in November, the Overcoming of Hartz-IV-system and the abolishment of the sanctions pronounced to excite”. The welfare state had to be aligned “along the current needs of social security” new wrote in a guest contribution for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. She pleaded for a citizen of money as a “new basic provision”. (AFP)