the President began his speech by congratulating Nancy Pelosi to the office of the president in the new congress. He announced to the gathered press that appeared after the unorthodox notice that he looked forward to working with the democratic candidate.

to the wall. Less than two hours before the short performance had the president put up a video with a suggestive music, images, immigrants, and the message ”Build the wall”, on his twitter.

People who support the construction of the wall is strong, they have the qualities that are required in our country. It applies to those who work within ICE and the border guard. We are in a tough situation, it doesn’t get much tougher than this. You can call it a wall or a barrier but we need protection, said the president.

he had never received as much support or as many calls as he received by reason of the wall the last few weeks.

Guests of the president invited then took over. Brandon Judd, from the u.s. border, was just like the other guests on the wall would be necessary.

– There is much talk that the authorities do not support the wall, but it is not true, ” he said.

After a short speech left the stage empty and no questions from the gathered press were answered.

Read more: Björn af Kleen: ”Pelosi can hold together a sprawling party,”