Health and welfare institute (THL) according to the forecast of Finnish women could achieve the World health organization’s set by the blood pressure goal, told THL in a statement.
WHO wants to decrease the high blood pressure sufferers share internationally of 25% by 2025. Finnish the achievement of the objective, instead, would require a more rapid blood pressure levels fall.
THL:n according to the forecast year of 2025 should Finnish women high blood pressure 19.1% and men 32%. The forecast is for different years comparable for the sake of 25-64-year-old Finnish women and men.
in Finland high blood pressure is still a common ailment of Finnish and blood pressure levels are still internationally compared to high. Levels have however fallen considerably over the last 40 years, and blood pressure levels decreased by THL, Finland strongly until the early 2000s. After this however, the decrease has slowed down.
Last year, high blood pressure values were 30 year olds women 37%. In men, the corresponding proportion was 45%. The results apply to both lääkityk laid own that those whose blood pressure had not fallen enough medication in spite.
Finns get too much salt
the WHO’s objective requires the blood pressure levels of the population level and blood pressure treatment intensification, especially among working-age patients with hypertension.
THL:according to the major obstacles to the blood pressure the lower for are weight gain and immobility as well as excessive salt intake. In 2017 more than 95% of the 18 to 74-year-old finns used too much salt. Salt is recommended for use in children under 5 grams a day.
as Above, but also excessive alcohol use increases blood pressure.
in Finland, should also be developed, inter alia, the blood pressure treatment sufficiently early in the initiating and treatment goals.
the WHO published the international people’s disease prevention and treatment programme in 2013. The program will target changes also, inter alia, alcohol, obesity, exercise and smoking area.
Maternal obesity increases the child’s hypertension and artery disease risk
Study: Blood pressure rise surgery due to genes – and-white coats-a phenomenon effort to 38 per cent of finns
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