The 44-year-old Saul Morton from Wales in the united kingdom got a real shock when he recently had to cook eggs in a microwave.

Saul followed a recipe from a video on the internet and cooked her two eggs in a large cup filled with a little water.after the so-called pocherings method, where man pills the egg and comes hviden and the yolk into the cup with the water that then need in the microwave in a minute.

The poached egg was used as a bacon – and æggesandwich, as Saul was out to eat. But when he had to remove the no. 2 eggs from the microwave with a spoon, it exploded suddenly with great force directly into his face.

It writes multiple media including Metro, Mirror , The Sun, and the Kennedy News and Media

Saul Morton was hit by the boiling hot egg-shaped parts, as well as boiling water, which gave him the burns in several places in the face. However, most on the nose.

In the beginning thought Saul, that slipped the egg pieces down from his eyelids and nose, but it was actually his own skin, there was had been burned and was beginning to peel off. Saul got burns on my nose, one eyelid, as well as on the cheeks and a little on the forehead. And now warns Saul from the city Pantymwyn, in Wales, the other about what happened in his kitchen.

I ran in to the bathroom and washed my face with cold water. At first I thought that I had the egg white in the whole face, but quickly found out that it was actually my skin flaky because of the forbrændingerne, tells Saul to the Kennedy News and Media.

Then began my face to raise, and so I knew that it was time to call for an ambulance.

Saul also explained that he has cooked his eggs in the same way, without that something happened.

Usually what happens is that it forms a kind of membrane on top of the water in the cup, and that was when I broke the membrane with the spoon, the water was boiling to steam and exploded out of the cup. It was a strange accident, says Saul, and adds:

– At the hospital I was tied into bandage, so I looked like a mummy. The wrapped bandage around my whole face, and cut holes for the eyes and my mouth, so I could see and breathe.

Saul Morton looks like something the cat has been playing with after the egg-explosion. (Photo: Kennedy News and Media)

Saul Morton is a big fan of the british football team Liverpool, who on the same evening played against Bournemouth and won 4-0. His father Alan had to explain what happened on the pitch, because Saul had a hard time seeing out of the holes in the bandage.

the Day after he was admitted to Whiston Hospital in Prescot, Merseyside, where the specialists examined his burned skin. He was among other things ordained to appear; to smear on his burned eyelids as well as antibiotics for a whole week.

– It was extremely painful, as the egg exploded up around my eyes. But the ointment to the eyes took away the pain and made sure that I did not get a long-term basis, tells Saul, who felt quite healthy after a few weeks and relax for the ugly scars in the face.

When Saul returned to his workplace a few weeks after the egg-the explosion, had friends spliced to a welcome gift with an egg theme. He got a board game called ‘Egg Splat'(Egg Splatter).

– It was as expected. I got a large red mark on the nose. But I was lucky. It could have ended much worse, ” says Saul, who consider themselves as a prudent reasonable person, who usually takes his precautions.

– I will just say that it would not pay to pochere eggs in a microwave. I will now make you aware that it can happen that the egg explodes. It did it for me.

Saul now warning everyone that it can be dangerous to pochere eggs in a microwave. (Photo: Kennedy News and Media)

The Danish newspaper Politiken has previously written that one should never cook eggs in the microwave, because they explode. Politiken wrote, however, that pochering goes fine. But now, says Saul Morton, therefore, that it is not always safe to pochere eggs in a microwave.

moreover, It is also extremely dangerous to heat the already cooked eggs that have been cold, in a microwave. It has Extra Leaf previously written about here: See also: It is extremely dangerous to warm boiled eggs in a microwave oven: See here why

When Saul returned to his place of work he got this egg-shaped game by his peers. (Photo: Kennedy News and Media)

Saul tells that it was a very painful experience. (Photo; Kennedy News and Media)