A message from WhatsApp has caused an earthquake, unprecedented in the Spanish Justice. “We put a president of exceptional and in addition control the second chamber from the back.” The button to forward it pressed the spokesman of the PP in the Senate, Ignacio Cosidó. The destination were the 146 senators of his party. Within A few hours, the message had already reached the press. Seven days after there is no longer a covenant to renew the Judiciary, there is the group that sent that message and there is growing suspicion in the use of services such as Whatsapp, Telegram or Signal.

“you have to have a minimum of prudence to not put sensitive information in writing”, says a member of the cabinet of a minister, who acknowledges that use WhatsApp day-to-day. “But for anything important” and less to communicate with the high charges. From another ministry ensure that use these applications daily, but both the minister and the secretaries of State prefer to “call the office” or use the telephone. “They are aware that they can not leave certain things in writing, but in addition is that we cannot have a minister receiving and answering hundreds of messages a day”, they assure. In the Government, the groups of WhatsApp is limited to chiefs of staff to coordinate with The Moncloa. The president, Pedro Sanchez, is also not so given to sending messages and prefer to call their ministers.

MORE INFORMATION on The ‘whatsapp’ was the last straw for the resignation of Marchena The PP dissolves the chat to which Cosidó sent his controversial message about the covenant to renew the Judiciary Sanchez asks for the resignation of Cosidó and that the PP will not break the covenant of the Judiciary

In the PP have taken note of the mistake of having groups so large and after removing of the Senate, held two other smaller: of the board of management and of communication. However, in the Congress are still using chat, which is a group of deputies, but only to agenda and voting.

What has surprised many people’s deputies is that they used such a large group to forward sensitive information to the leadership of the party, something unthinkable Savoybetting for the PSOE. The socialist leadership in Congress and the Senate did communicate by WhatsApp, but they are small groups with a dozen members. The communications are usually via emails. In the political parties, with some exceptions, the same thing happens. “If there is something relevant we called Teo [García, Egea, secretary general of the PP] or Javier Maroto [deputy secretary of Organization] to ship directly to us,” says a member of the executive committee of the PP. So does the president of the party, Paul Married, that you prefer to call or directly quote in Genoa for dealing with important issues. “Call us or mention to us at the headquarters. For agenda items we use WhatsApp or Telegram”.

those Who have at some time worked with another of the heavy weights of the PP, you know that Alberto Núñez Feijóo you prefer to take the phone before sending a message. On the contrary, is what makes United we Can. The third force in the Congress of Deputies uses Telegram, and not only to distribute information to its membership, but also as a work tool. The night that closed the agreement of budgets between Pedro Sanchez and Pablo Iglesias, the leader of We went only to The Moncloa. His team was aware of a group Telegram on the leader consulted the doubts.

In the Telegram, the shared information is stored in a cloud, not on devices. And has up to a mode of chat secret, in which the messages are autoeliminan with a countdown that the user sets. This tool was used by the Generalitat to manage the consultation of 9-n In the 1-Or chose to encrypt messages.

That has not prevented, We may also have had their problems. As when Bescansa hung up with “error” in a group of Telegram his proposal to oust Churches. Or when it is leaked to the comments sexist of their own Churches to the journalist Mariló Montero.

These services are also a very valuable tool for the self-appointed Councils of the change, such as Madrid and Santiago. Monitor the communications nor is any novelty in the environment of the mayor, Ada Colau. She and her co-workers and city council members mostly come from the social movements. Exactivistas for which in other ages it was not uncommon to take out the batteries of the mobile phone during a meeting, and already using Telegram when the common of mortals just discovered Whatsapp. But since they won the mayor’s office have been relaxed to take precautions.

The risk to which messages with sensitive information be made public, causing some political veterans prefer to avoid new technologies. “If you’re not in any group, no one can accuse you of anything. All better in person,” says a senior official of the Government. Mariano Rajoy avoided using WhatsApp during the years of his mandate. Chose a track that many consider to be obsolete: the SM, which he perhaps considered more secure. However, one of your private messages forever marked his presidency: “Luis, be strong”. The rest, is history.

With information of Ana Marcos, Jose Marcos, Natalia Junquera, Sonia Vizoso, Clara Blanchar and Camilo S. Baquero.