“What in all the years has featured people in the conservative party is that they say what they believe and dare to stand for it, and I expect that our elected officials dare to do in a closed meeting among friends.”

an mp Roy Steffensen (Frp) reacts vigorously that the people in the party want a written – and therefore secret – vote when the political Right to say yes or no to the result from the regjeringsforhandlingene on Hadeland. It is set forth here in the newspaper of fylkesleder in the Oslo Frp, Tone E. Ims Vogt, with support from others in the national executive committee.

Who wish to be anonymous.

Partinestor Carl I. Hagen, who does not sit in the national executive committee, believes much speaks for the fact that there will be a written vote.

It sounds reasonable. When there is a written vote, you don’t pay attention to the career and future possibilities, ” says the Garden, which at the same time believe it also is a good argument for not having a written vote. When can the counties see what fylkeslederne have voted.

forwards to in the run of what will become the final realization of Erna’s dream from before her first election victory in 2013 – a bourgeois majority rule. The negotiations are in overtime. The span between the parties in forhandlingsrommet is large. As we write in an editorial today: “The conservatives will find along with the liberals. The reactionary will agree with the progressive.” Many in the conservative party requires a “blank says,” in immigration policy during the negotiations, and the Oslo progress party is a driving force.

They are such a powerful driving force, that they propose something that basically is a violation of the party’s articles of association. Partikollega Steffensen from Rogaland state that the articles of association of the progress party has the following formulation:

“Voting in other cases than personvalg takes place by open voting.”

A new majority may of course change such a formulation, but the proposal constitute in any event something new.

There is also another signal from the a wing in the conservative party who like to see that Progress is being portrait on the wall of the parliament palace.

It is impossible results for Siv Jensen. Fail KrFs delegation to arrive at a forhandlingsresultat, and deputy chairman Kjell Britain Ropstad come back empty-handed to their own, Knut Arild Hareide of as His leader. Then, in principle, everything is open again. KrF has decided to go into government, and selected away vippeposisjonen. Can’t they find together with the Right, the progress party and the Left, will it be able to occur a requirement that the party must start sonderinger with the Labour party and the centre party.

the Strategy, from the Oslo progress party now in the run thus has two possible outcomes: To apply pressure so that negotiations on the Hadeland provides the most support for their cases, or that it’s all beaches. The latter is not to be despised for parts of the conservative party. They will be back in opposition, and in the same way, omkalfatre lead the party in their favor. Deputy chairman Sylvi Listhaug is one of the most likely inheritors, if a lederskifte should come soon.

Listhaug sitting at the negotiating table at Hadeland. The delegation is in any way aware of the pressure they have on themselves in order to fulfil the expectations from the part of the party. The last concrete reminder came when a majorities in stortingsgruppa to the Frp approved budsjettavtalen between the four parties in the last year. The vote ended at 12 – 9, in a game that normally should be a formality.

the progress party is low on measurements, and are struggling in the run up to the elections with an ambitious Senterparti that graze among their voters. In the VG the previous weekend proposed marriage to and with the Sp-leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum of the taxi drivers in Oslo. It must be said to be an extension of the old bondepartiets kampsone. In the world, it is referred to as tyveriforsøk on the perfect day. It’s no wonder the Oslo progress party is eager to fit in and read their.

The current political competition makes a difficult negotiation situation even more difficult.

This is the other “reluctant” party on Hadeland. The internal opposition here is at least more settled, and less loudly. This had fallen from him in the fall. But as this newspaper could sign before the weekend, many will landsstyrerepresentanter in the party regardless of the vote no to the agreement. The fight is about the carnations, which, because of the veivalget last fall see themselves obliged to vote for regjeringsdeltakelse if forhandlingsresultatet must be regarded as good enough.

Thus, there are at least two parties that will go into the new regjeringsprosjektet with the bad fuse back.

With a Left that feel they must take all the heavy climate and miljøkampene alone, with the progress party and the Right, without the boost from the Sector.

This is bad the climate we see now a difference, when the negotiations reach the snails itself towards a conclusion. Erna get enough realized himself as the leader of a majority rule, but the project shows weaknesses that it becomes difficult to deal with until the next elections. The strongest the bond, apart from Erna Solberg, is that the parties forhandlingsledere all know that it is too late to turn back.

Secret political Right-voting can crush Ernas dream