“do you Know any people that have gotten some right sitting on the sofa of the house?”. So reads one of the messages of Telegram sent by the Committee of Defense of the Republic (CDR) of the barcelona neighbourhood of Gràcia to the 3,000 subscribers of your channel. The social networks boiled and everything points to that as you near the Council of Ministers of the 21st of December the streets of barcelona will be paralyzed. Between the COR, the message is clear: “finish the revolution of smiles. It is the time of the action”.

The group, which has called to “give battle” to the next Friday, and encourages the mobilization, but this time is different. In their assemblies they see the fear and know that they are unable to control all of the attendees to the protest. The COR considered that the celebration of the Council of Ministers is a “provocation,” but warned that judges and prosecutors can be applied to those who protest sentences of up to four years in prison if they consider that it puts in danger the meeting. The challenge is to bring the mobilization to the limit without criminal risks, a line of diffuse to some activists, without nipples visible that have issued road closures, the boycott demonstrations of Jusapol and even in one of their protests, some protesters ended up trying to enter by force in the Parlament.


Quim Torra, the isolated puppet Puigdemont More than 9,000 police officers blindarán Catalonia during the Council of Ministers of The Catalan trade calls on the Government to do a “call for calm” before the 21-D

it Is Friday afternoon in the barcelona neighbourhood of Guinardó. In the Casal of Young Girapells the CDR prepared a meeting with a single item: 21-D Just over the dozen activists, and quickly detected the journalist intruder. “The meeting is delicate,” report of the stranger.

they Maintain that the power of the COR lies in the anonymity and that the “guidelines” given in the moments leading up to the “actions”. Avoid the presence of “moles”, although “it is sometimes inevitable to have them. “The revolution of smiles has ended but the disobedience has many ways of made public without violence”, alert before leaving the stranger outside the meeting.

The CDR of Girona ensures in the Telegram that the 21-D will be the time to “take back the streets and return to the spirit of the October 1”. It is prohibited to disseminate in the network “messages of confusion, criminalization, and fear” and it is reported that the CDR are autonomous in their claims but are coordinated. The Barcelona will perform at the center and the provinces, “with active resistance and non-violent”, will control “the territory” [Catalan counties]. The summary is to generate a chaos, according to they count, but “peacefully”.

on The 11th of September a group of people camped in the plaça Sant Jaume, in front of the Generalitat. Intended to be extended until the proclamation of the Catalan republic, but it was not so. In spite of this, became for a few days in the main group of mobilization of pro-independence supporters. Marta (not her real name) was one of the leaders of the camp and now prepares together with other groups, the 21-D. “In any manifestation, there is the self-defense and civil disobedience”, wields. “Outside of Catalonia for the celebration of a Council of Ministers in Barcelona may seem an attempt to lessen the tension but here we have our [speaks in feminine] in prison, indicted, exiled…”. Martha saw in the appointment an attempt to “cause to justify a new 155, attributed to partners, to bring forward elections, and the PSOE to obtain good results at the expense of Catalonia.”

The argument of non-violence is recurrent. The co-founder of the terrorist group Terra Lliure Fredi Bentanachs, who has refused to speak with THE COUNTRY, has posted a video with guidelines for the 21-D. Ask them for a copy of the October 3, 2017, when a general strike paralyzed Catalonia: “The last few days there have been clashes absurd, people with the face covered… I Want to communicate to our friends that are thinking they are doing well, are wasting our strength”. “We can’t go to a demonstration to break glass, pull fences… things that do not help us and that serve for the 155 say that we are violent,” he concludes. The intent of the CDR is to get as close as possible to the Llotja de Mar, where they held Council. The trade union, Intersindical, is very much a minority, has called a strike from 12.30 to 14.30 for any worker. Where they hope to recruit hundreds of activists is in the schools. There is called a stop classes from 10.00 to 14.00 in all the Catalan universities. With thousands of students on the streets waiting for guidelines from the accounts of the COR to the success of the call seems to be guaranteed. The best-kept secret is who is behind those accounts.

An integrated organization not only by members of the CUP

the Committees for The Defense of the Republic (CDR) are not integrated only by members of the pro-independence left, anti-capitalist environment of the Candidacy of Popular Unity (CUP). Aniol Costa belongs to the youth of the CKD, and also attend to the protests. “At CRD we have a foot in the institutions and other on the street. We do not believe that cutting a pathway or burning wheels will be violence”, he adds. The councillor’s CUP in Barcelona, Eulàlia Reguant, claims to have “seen the militants of the PDeCAT in some of the CDR”. For Reguant it is very important to the mobilization of the 21-D to “point out the leaders of the non-normality that you live in Catalonia”.

The anti-capitalist notes that until now the actions of the COR “have not been violent.” “Has only appeared violence in the story that is being built to criminalizarnos and give a second step thus making illegal associations”, wields.