Cecilia Wikström points out migration and climate as two key concerns which she would like to continue to push if she gets the renewed confidence. Allan Widman hope to raise awareness in the EU about Russia, according to him, in different ways, trying to undermine european cooperation. He also wants to push for Sweden to become more involved in the defence cooperation which is under development within the EU.

presented their toppkandidater at a press briefing in the parliament on Thursday. He believes that this year’s EUROPEAN elections, held on 26 may, it becomes the most important since Sweden joined the union in 1995.

Read more: Support increases for Sweden’s EU-membership

– the cooperation is challenged and threatened by the international forces that Trump and Putin but also of högernationalistiska forces within the EU. We have Brexit, Marine Le Pen in France and the governments of Italy, Hungary and Poland, ” says Jan Björklund.

Allan Widman. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

is involved in the EU-parliament’s work to try to find a solution where member states share more responsibility for the refugees who come to Europe. There is now a proposal on which parliament will negotiate with the Council.

My text could probably be a pretty good compromise for the member states. We will probably be able to find a solution. Perhaps not, advantages people but to give a very big price tag to those countries that are not doing the concrete work, ” said Cecilia Wikström.

move the joints in a crucial position, but that it was delayed by national borders is an example of what Allan Widman think can be improved in the european defence cooperation.

“I feel that the current government is passive on the verge of reluctant when these initiatives come up,” he says.

Allan Widman heard to the parties, as opposed to the Liberals would make up with the Socialists in power. He dismisses that it could have something to do with the fact that he now wants to leave the riksdag.

“We had a very good process in the party,” says Allan Widman.

by 2014, was Marit Paulsen, an effective election winner for the Liberals. Jan Björklund admits that she has been very important for the party.

– But what has meant the most is that we are the party that want to work the most in Europe, ” he says.

This, he also looks like the Liberals ‘ profile in this election, with the proposal of a common public prosecutor’s office, a common carbon dioxide tax and the coordinated fiscal policy among other things.