Series is all about a society where fertile women are being kidnapped, abused and raped during ovulation in order to bear children for couples who are unable to have children. The women are shared out to each family, and are forced to bear children that they later have to deliver. Try to oppose this they are tortured, sent into labour camps to die, or killed.

Sandra Bruflot. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Scanpix Show more

Just the way it’s going to be with the christian democratic party has in government.

the Demonstrators outside the the royal palace on Tuesday has just as much right to exaggerate to bring up the point its like all the others. The problem is that this overstatement is not only absurd, it is fordummende and it helps to destroy the debate also for us, that is for a liberalization of the biotechnology-laws, and to the change in access to fosterreduksjon before week 12.

By comparing the current policy with A Handmaid’s Tale makes the debate narrower, more polarized than in a long time and they lose a part of us who basically agree, but think this is pointless to relate to.

And, what to expect you really that motreaksjonen should be? What option should those who disagree be when the one side as to the degree dropper innestemmen. After a fall with abortdebatt I have never experienced to get little dolls that represent fetuses, covered in rødmaling. Under the biotek-the debates last spring I had not sent the pictures of the gm style animals, people or misfostre.

We are finished with the time in which mørkemenn and women went in the train with models of small bloody fetuses, and with the exception of a rare comments section here and there release I as a rule, to be called barnemorder if I defend or talk about abortion. It should only be missing. But it takes two to dance the tango, and “my” side does not contribute to making this debate better.

– Shows something about, that suddenly is a part of your own society in 2019

Debates abortion and gene – and biotechnology are some of the worst and most difficult thing we have, because they affect the principles of life and death. Many people have personal experiences. For some, the discussions about abortion in black-and-white, no matter which side you are standing on. That’s fair enough, and I’ll admit that I’m not any good to accept the arguments of those who disagree with me in these questions to yourself. But it does not make the debate easier for some that we are not able to discuss the difficult ethical questions in a reasonably proper and respectable way.

I am against the changes in the access to fosterreduksjon. I’m for progressive changes in gene – and bioteknologilovgivningen. I think that all the waiting children should get access to as much information as possible about the fetus – if they even want it.

That we do not offer early ultrasound through the public svangerskapsoppfølgingen, and that fosterreduksjon of healthy embryos must go through a board, is not the same as to be deprived of the right over your own body or that Norway has been a kristenfundamentalistisk dictatorship.

The use of references to a TV series where women are raped, held in captivity and reared to bear children, fordummer debate, repels sympathizers, and drag the debate through the dirt.

himla pissed off noise must the government and Ropstad withstand Comment