WORLD: Mr. Müller, in Freiburg, due to a city council decision, only vegetarian food is available in municipal daycare centers and elementary schools. Do you think it’s a good idea for the state to stop eating meat?

Stefan Müller: The state or politicians shouldn’t dictate to citizens how they have to feed themselves. If you want to do without meat, you should be happy to do so and don’t have to justify it. Conversely, I think that those who like to eat meat shouldn’t justify it either.

WORLD: If, as you’re saying, you don’t want to dictate to people how they should eat – why is cocaine use a punishable offense?

Müller: To be honest, I haven’t heard that cocaine has special and valuable nutrients. In this respect, I can now also not recognize cocaine as food, just as little as cannabis, by the way. Opinions differ on whether cannabis is a stimulant. I have a definite opinion on that. I think comparing cannabis and cocaine to broccoli and Brussels sprouts or pork steak is a bit daring.

WORLD: Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) had spoken of “Crystal Mett”, and your colleague Daniela Ludwig (CSU) has become known for the sentence: “Cannabis is not broccoli.” But if we eat three main meals a day for seven days going out the week makes 21 meals. What’s wrong with not eating meat for five of them?

Müller: I think that’s totally fine. I just don’t think it’s okay for a local council to just decide that. Probably also, if I am correctly informed, against the will of the parents’ council, which has also given an opinion on this. So why not actually let people know what’s on the table?

There is a vegetable dish every day, i.e. a vegetarian or vegan dish, and there is a fish or meat dish every day. The calculation is disclosed and then people can decide for themselves.

WORLD: You come from Erlangen. I took a look at what’s in the canteen of the Erlangen tax office today. You can choose between spinach, potatoes and eggs, fish fingers with spinach and potatoes, currywurst with a bun, currywurst with fries, chicken nuggets with fries or just fries. How do you find the choices?

Müller: I admit that it would be difficult for me to choose and I would probably end up sticking with spinach, potatoes and eggs. But in our home country there are also a few companies that have their own canteens that don’t cook the way you would expect from canteens.

WORLD: Assuming you had to rate the Bundestag canteen as a food blogger, what would the result be?

Müller: It’s a bit more extensive than what you just described from the tax office. Even if I see it correctly, there is the option of not just choosing a vegetarian dish. I’m also of the opinion that this can be done even better, to put it diplomatically. A lot of it is really demand-driven.

Currywurst is also available here in the house, it is also available in a vegan version. I think it’s not that great. But it’s obvious that the currywurst is simply a popular food, that’s why it’s offered.

WORLD: The last two years have made children in Germany in particular fatter and more depressed. What should we do to reverse the past two years?

Müller: To be honest, I’m not a food expert.

WORLD: But unlike many of your colleagues, you are physically in very good shape.

Müller: It’s always said: “One year in the Bundestag is one kilo.” Or: “One larger clothing size per election period.” Well, if I look at it now, not much has changed. That’s correct. Well, I can only assume that I personally do watch what I eat, and I actually exercise regularly.

To come back to your initial question: the Corona period has brought a certain indolence and something has changed as a result, not only among children, by the way. It would be all the more important that we simply do more to ensure that the schools remain open, even if a new corona wave may be coming our way. That we do everything to ensure that the children can go to school. Being able to go to school protected, of course. Children need social interaction and exercise.

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