the widow’s pension change in the amount of time seems now more and more confident. With the same partner and child status would be improved.

the social partners in the summer to give the proposal a family-pension reform proceeds, namely social welfare and ministry of health. There’s a major overhaul vanhahtaneelta pension system:

the widow’s pension duration is limited to 10 years, however, at least until the youngest child turns 18 years. Today, the widow of the pension get the rest of his life.Partner status will be improved: the widow’s pension was allowed to unmarried partners if they have lived together for at least five years and they have a common minor child.Child pension is paid until the age of 20, when now 18-year-old.The reform does not affect the current spouse’s pensions. The changes relate to the year 1975 and after born.

At the moment it seems that the social partners, the proposal was going to outline the way through, said unit director Hannu Ijäs social and health ministry.

– the Law of preparation is started in good spirit and I believe that this will continue, says Ijäs.

a Young widow has a financial crisis. It is that time in life, when it is bought in the joint housing, there is a big debt and no assets.

Sirpa Mynttinen, executive director, Finnish young widows

the Family pensions are forced to remodel for two reasons: First, families and society have changed and not the pensions have not kept up with. Secondly, the government is under pressure to save the pension system costs, when the birth rate drops.

the widow’s pension limit of ten years is due to women change of life. Support is to be directed for families with children.

Reform reflected in employment and in the family changes. The employment of women has increased. It can be assumed that all of the working principle, acquire their own living. On the other hand, families have changed, now that we live more in a consensual union, to explain Ijäs reform backgrounds, says Ijäs.

Pensions and private insurance unit director Hannu Ijäs social affairs and health.Annika Martikainen / Ylenuorena widows are left without family-pension

the reform of the winners are children and unmarried couples. It is good news for the Finnish young widows, the executive director of the Sirpa myntti sella .

– in the Past has been so, that the pension has ended, when the young has attained the age of 18 years. At that point, however, a large part of youth is still studying and the need for financial support is there, Mynttinen said.

No other families to stop financial support for young people, when he is 18 years old.

Mynttinen sees the reform proposal a lot of good, but also purnattavaa. According to him, the reform does not account for the big ills of the pension system: in practice, a young childless widow is left without the widow’s pension, because marriage duration and the widow’s age is set boundaries.

– a Young widow’s financial crisis. It is that time in life, when it is bought in the joint housing, is the big debt isn’t wealth, Mynttinen tell.

that’s Why Mynttisen association run equality of the survivor’s pension with a temporary pension to get all the old widows – though the widow’s own income is taken into account.

the Law of family pension to change preparation of social affairs and health ministry together with the labour market organisations and the pension security centre. The bill comes to the parliament for handling at the earliest, late spring.

centre for Pensions (move to another service) according to the year 2018, the widow’s pension was received by 250 to 600 people and orphan’s pension of 16 800 people.

Read more:

the Finns are getting married first-born was born – “the children are so binding decision, that it is almost already amen”

Young people are exposed to too much your pension paid into? Yes – said the Finnish majority

the most Expensive widow’s pension based on the ‘ 60s family model (2014)

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