HOW MANY rising stars that have been born in the year that went by, nobody will know. But many well-known and dear people are not into 2019. We must manage without the wonderful musicians such as Tony Joe White, Otis Rush, and Eddy Clearwater. Matt “Guitar” Murphy has left us, the same goes for Aretha Franklin and Lill-Babs. Moreover, Norway’s rockekonge anno 1959, Roald Stensby, his Swedish colleague Jerry Williams and the dane Kim Larsen. Let’s hope they can play together on the eternal music venues, preferably together with the Polish trumpeter Tomazs as stanko, the French singer Charles Aznavous and Norway’s faithful songs from the folkedypet, Håkon the Bank.

FORFATTERLAUGET IS also well represented. Bjørg Vik has written his last short story, Jon Michelet has screwed the cap on the blekkhuset, and close to christmas disappeared Klaus Hagerup. We are going to miss Jan Jakob Tønseth, Olav Angell, Margit Sandemo, Gordon Hølmebakk, Tor Fretheim, Walid Al-Kabaisi and Cindy Bunch. And from the great abroad: Philip Roth, Tom Wolfe, V. S. Naipaul, Ursula K. Le Guin, Nicanor Parra, Neil Simon, Harlan Ellison, and Arto Paasilinna. Moreover, tegneseriekunstnerne Stan Lee and Mort Walker. And Pushwagner!

NORWEGIAN COURTS shall never more hear the voices of Tor Erling Staff, and Harald Stabell. The starry skies must manage without Stephen Hawking, the world’s restaurants never get more visits by Anthony Bourdain, Tore Torell has pulled his last rabbit out of the hat and School Waksvik has transformed his last elk to sculpture. Milos Forman, Nicolas Roeg and Vittorio Taviani does not come with several movies, and Jahn Otto Johansen has eaten his last fish meal.

STARRING? We will miss Minken Fosheim, Per west trevor Hill, Merete skavlan talkshow, Rolf Sand and Rolf Arly Lund. Sosialantropologen Arne Martin Klausen is gone, the lovely guy who ran the studies in the Review-the environment in the 1980s. Maybe they sit assembled, the whole gang. And eat a meal, prepared with the greatest affection of Ingrid Espelid Hovig. Are the lucky ones, sitting Thorvald Stoltenberg, right in among them, and scatters around him with wisdom and experience.